17. No Trespassing

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"We better get going. It'd be rude of me to get you home late, especially since we both have places to be tomorrow."

"Ugh don't remind me. It's that time of year where my classes are boring as ever."

He playfully scoffs. "My class too? I'll be sure to assign two essays this week just for you."

Your face doesn't move from an annoyed look which makes him laugh. "Not funny."

"I know I know, but I really am going to assign another one soon, so get ready because you can't afford to be late much more on things like that."

"Got it." Your tone is low and clearly annoyed. The reminder that he's just your professor is never a fun thought. 

He pauses before opening the car door for you. "I'm sorry if that bothered you. Just want to look out for you, but I know it's not my place."

"I just wanted to spend tonight not as your student." 

The next moment is silent with the exception of the trees swaying with the wind. 

"I understand. I'm sorry." It's evident that he's pained to think of it that way too. "I'm fearful of the way I feel about you. I know you understand the differences between us. I crumble at the thought of you feeling like this is wrong."

"Oh... I know I'm not stuck with you in any way. I know I could walk away whenever. I'm not sure if that's comforting, but I hope it is." 

"I would do anything for our circumstances to be different." 

Next, you reach up and pull his face into your shoulder as his arms wrap around you. It's sad to see him hurt over this, but it's nice to know you're not alone in the confusion. "We'll figure it all out. Just not today."

He lifts his head up and nods in agreement. "Ready to go?" The car door is now open, gesturing you inside. 

"Ready as I can be." 


Thirty quick minutes go by with quiet music and casual talks. 

"Damn, I'm so tired. Honestly, I usually come right home from work and have a nap."

"Wow, grading English papers all day must be exhausting." A giggle escapes between your teeth. 

"Well maybe I'm so tired because I actually come to class everyday."

"Touche, buddy."

His grin appears. "So we're on a buddy level now, hm?" 

"Yes, but only because you're so sassy right now." This makes him smile more, but he doesn't break a laugh. "You okay? You seem a little quiet."

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm sorry I just got hit with a weird wave of not feeling too great." 

"That sucks, do you need anything?" Your mood hastily changes to a nurturing nature. 

"Can I pull over for a second? I'd rather just take an extra few minutes than risk anything bad." His demeanor is drastically changed too, but in a much different way than yours. 

The car gradually comes to a stop and as it's placed in park Ren puts his hands over his face in a restful manner. 

"You okay?" The feeling you have in your gut is deep and shaken. 

He nods with his hands coming down from his face. "I am. I'm sorry to worry you like this, but I'm alright."

"Do you know what's going on?"

Teacher's Toy • (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now