13. Darling I Do

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"Hey, I'm sorry, I saw that you read my message and I'm just worried is all. I want to be sure that you're alright. I'm scared that I did something wrong." His voice is quiet and soft. "Please look at me."

You slowly lift your head to where your eyes meet. "Ren-"

"Are you okay???" His head tilts as he leans closer to you, looking at your wandering eyes.

"I'm ok. I just-" A deep inhale interrupts your sentence. "I just don't feel the best right now."

"May I come in?"

Careful not to stumble, you back up into the hallway so he has room to step in.

"I'm so sorry." Your eyes are off to the side.

While not looking his way, you hear him shuffling around which leads to your curiosity kicking in rather quickly.

You turn your head just enough to notice him. "What're you doing?" He's down on his knees. Just sitting, looking up at you.

"I hate looking down at you." He takes both of your hands in his. "Please talk to me. I want you to feel safe."

"I'm just going through a moment. I wish you'd stop worrying and just go home."

His grip on your hands loosens as his eyes change to a shattered presence. "Are you sure that's what you want?" He still remains looking at you even though you won't give him the same attention.

Slowly, your hands pull from his and soon cover your face to hide the tears forming in your eyes.

"Doll, please answer me."

You fall to your knees as to be on the same level as him. "I'm sorry." You apologize again.

He's gripping your hands again to pull them away from your face. Through the blur of your tears you see the softest smile on his face complimented with a soft whisper. "You're too angelic to ever feel the need to tell me you're sorry."

You're silent while resting in between his arms. He was holding you so close. No words being exchanged. Just soft touches.

Quiet moments pass before he speaks up. "How about we get up and get you some water, hm?"

A simple nod is all you can give before he gently helps you back onto your feet. "I accidentally broke some glass in the kitchen earlier."

As you both turn the corner he lets out a small chuckle to make light of the situation. "You really did make a mess, didn't you?" He watches your face to catch a small grin. "You sit down at the table. I'll clean this up."

"No, I'll help-"

He doesn't even turn to face you before he speaks. "Sit."

His stern voice instantly places you into the chair. "Thank you."

A comforting smile paints his face. "Of course." He gently picks up each small shard of glass. "I'm sure you're having fun watching me clean your place for you anyway." A wink compliments his kidding manor.

"You should do this more often. I'll start inviting you over just so you can clean for me." You both break into laughter as your snarky comment rolls off your tongue.

As you both settle back into silence, he stands up from his kneel. "I think that's all of it." He's now placed in the chair across the small table from yours. "You tired? I feel like you should take it easy and get some rest."

"I should really work on my essay. Still not finished, sadly."

"Doll, you're drunk and it's Saturday night. Just let yourself relax. Worry about it tomorrow, not tonight, ok?"

You lightly shake your head in a nod. "Thank you for checking on me. I feel a lot better."

"I'm just glad I could help." A long silent break lands before a big grin appears.

"I'm not sure what you're smiling about, but it seems menacing."

"Can I see your room? I want to know what it's like from your side of the window." He almost looks guilty for even asking.

"Sure." You have a small huff of laughter. "It's not anything exciting, but be my guest."

He holds out his hand to help you onto your feet. "Lead the way."

You roll your eyes and smile at his cheesy flirting.

He follows very close behind you. It almost felt as if it was in a protective manner. "I feel like a rabbit leading a bear to water."

His laugh echoes through your hallway which makes you smile.

"Don't touch anything." You shoot him a stern laugh while holding back a giggle.

"You need a better pokerface. You're far from intimidating." His grin is complimented with a wink.

His eyes trace every odd thing you own. Every trinket and clothing item that's laying around. He finds himself staring at your journal that's resting on your dresser. "What's this?"

"Just something I write in. Usually when I'm conflicted." Your tone gestures him not to open it up. "I'll be right back, I need to get something from the kitchen."

All he does is nod which sends you on your way.

Making your way back you notice how silent it is. Your entire space is filled with pure quiet. "Ren?" You speak up before turning into your room in hopes that he'd answer, but you get nothing in return. A hesitant state runs through your body at his lack of response. You haul before entering the doorway and take a deep breath to become collected again.

Slowly, you peep your head in to find Ren laying still on your bed. "I know you didn't fall asleep that quickly. You scared me half to death when you didn't answer."

Without moving, he speaks out from his silent moment. "Shhh. I'm trying to pretend that I'm asleep so you won't make me leave." As soon as his sentence finishes he sounds out a fake snore while a small laugh follows.

"So that's how it's going to be?" You sit on the edge of the bed next to him.

"I'll go if you really want of course, but I'd love to stay."

"Fine, but you have to move over because you're on MY side of the bed." You place your hands on his side and give him a light playful shove.

"You like the right side?" I'll remember that." He grins and moves allowing you to climb into your spot next to him. His arm stretches out to gesture you to lay on him.

"You feeling better?" His hand rubs against your back in the softest manner.

"Much better."

"Goodnight, lovely."

One last smile forms before you drift off. "Goodnight."

Teacher's Toy • (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now