1. Strawberry On Top

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"Kathy, which era did this take place?"

"The Jazz Era."

"Thank you, Kathy."

Professor Ren has been teaching us about The Great Gatsby for weeks. It's probably the most boring book you've ever read. You read this book in high school. Now you have to sit through the torture of hearing it again.

You have other more exciting things to think about. Not just some stupid book.

"Excuse me." You jolt awake at the sound of Ren's voice. You sit up from your seat to see that you're alone in the classroom. "I'm afraid that class ended half an hour ago. I thought I'd let you wake up on your own but I have to get home. Get more sleep tonight. Yeah? I can't have you sleeping in my class anymore. I won't be so kind next time."

"Sorry, sir. I might stay home tomorrow but I'll catch up on the essay and get it turned in to you by Friday." You pick up all your things and put them in your bag.

"And why won't you be here tomorrow?" He seems frustrated with your lack of attendance in his class.

"I need to take a day off. Mental health day I guess."

"Well I hope you're back to class by Friday. You're a good student I need you here. Don't be afraid to email me if you have any questions about the essay."

"I promise I'll get it done. You got any lollipops left?" Every day you raid his desk for his strawberry lollipops.

He pulls out his drawer and peeks in. "Sadly, no strawberry. Will cherry work for you?"

You frown. "I guess, but I can't come to class and not get my strawberry lollipop. It's bad for my health. How am I supposed to focus without it?"

He laughs standing up from his desk. "Well I'll try to get some more before Friday."

"Thanks, Ren. I better get going. Have a good night." Before he can answer you take off out the door.

You walk outside to see that it's raining. "Shit." You mumble under your breath. You have to walk home since your ride was your ex-boyfriend.

You get about mile down the road and your clothes are soaked. This day couldn't get any worse.

A white car slows down behind you. "Fuck."

The window rolls down only to see Ren. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? Trying to go home."

"Oh my god. Get in." He lets a small laugh pass. You know you look ridiculous but you didn't really have any other way.

You get in the passenger side and throw your wet self inside.

"So, what happened to your ride?" He smiles to himself. He finds you pitiful.

"Well my "ride" cheated on me. So I don't have a ride anymore." You don't find his laughter amusing.

"Shit, I'm sorry. You could've asked me for a ride home since it's raining."

"Well it's weird to ask your teacher for a ride." You scoff.

"It's not that weird. The weird teachers make it weird."

You giggle. "Yeah. Where are we even going?" He's been driving for five minutes and he doesn't even know where you live.

He pulls into a convenience store. "I'll be right back. I swear I'm not kidnapping you." He laughs and walks off leaving you in his car alone.

"He's definitely kidnapping me." You think to yourself.

Of course you look around his car to see if there's anything exciting.

Ren come back with a single bag in his hand. Once he's in the car he asks, "Did you find anything good?"

Your eyes widen. "Excuse me?"

He grins. "Don't act like you weren't snooping. I saw you jump back into your seat when I came out."

"Fuck. Well I found nothing so you're either really boring or really smart."

"Just smart." He grins.

"So what'd you go in for? You took forever."

He smiles big and pulls out a bag of lollipops. "I feel bad for laughing earlier." He opens the bag and hands you a strawberry one.

"Damn. Thanks." You smile big opening the sucker. "I might come to class tomorrow. Don't count on it though."

A few minutes pass and you realize that you're on your road. "Um... Ren. How- um... How do you know which road I live on?"

"What do you mean?" He looks confused.

"I never told you where I live. How do you just know that?" You're tense but you more confused than anything.

"Are you serious? You never noticed me? It's been three years and you don't even know. I always thought you knew." He laughs.

"KNEW WHAT?!" Your soul feels like it's evaporated from your fucking body.

"I live right behind you." He's laughing hysterically at how confused you are.

"No I've never known that but I guess it makes sense now. I remember seeing you but I guess I just never thought about it being YOU."

"Even that day that you stared at me from your room. I saw you looking in. That didn't click in your head. You were looking right at me."

You blush from embarrassment. "Well I thought you were just the hot neighbor and I didn't know who you were until this year so I haven't really paid attention." You stick your lollipop back in your mouth.

You finally make it to your apartment. He hands you a piece of paper with his number on it. "Call me if you ever need a ride. I can't have you miss anymore days of class. Good thing I'll see you tomorrow."

You smirk before opening the car door. "You definitely won't see me tomorrow." You giggle.

He reaches over and takes the glossy red candy from your mouth. "Yes. I will." He puts it in his mouth and winks. Before you can even move he drives away.

Oh. My. God.


Once you gather your thoughts you head up into your room.

You look out the window to see him across from you in his room. You never realized how close you were to him.

He smiles with your lollipop still in his mouth. He then shuts his blinds and closes the window.

"Fuck." You mumble. You've never seen him like this. Things are definitely going to be different now.

"Stupid fucker is gonna get his apartment burned down if he every takes that from me again." You giggle to yourself before falling onto your bed.

You text him to make sure it's the right number. "Thank you for bringing me home. It means a lot."

"Anytime :)"

Teacher's Toy • (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now