6. Full Moon Dances

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The night settles in.

It's a Friday night and the city lights up with parties and drunken souls.

Your apartment is filled with silence. The only sound flowing comes from the outside. The busy cars. The neighbors music creeping through your walls.

The floors creak as you drag yourself into the kitchen for dinner. You open the fridge and to your surprise. Nothing to eat.

You open all the cabinets and drawers to check for anything. You find crackers, chips, and candies but nothing to truly make up for a meal.

You sigh in remembering that you needed to go grocery shopping the day before. Thursdays were your regular shopping day but since you only had your Professor as a ride you felt it wasn't important.

Soon you give up in your search for anything to satisfy your hunger so you settle with the crackers.

You scurry to your room with your crackers. As you pass the window your eyes glance into his room. You check for his figure but he's not there.

You bounce onto your bed and check your phone to find a message from Ren.

It reads "Get that essay done. I know we have our little moments, but I won't accept this paper after Monday. I better have it in my hands as soon as you walk in the door."

Finding his intimidating nature funny which leads to a small giggle.

You send back "got it."

Even though his message was about an essay it still made your face light up.

Your body jumps as you see something fly into your window and land on the floor in front of your bed.

You slowly rise from sitting and search for the object.

Your cheeks start to glow when you see a paper plane sitting on the floor.

You gently lift it and open it up to read "come to the window :)".

Your hands quickly run through your hair to make sure you're presentable before stepping into view.

His eyes are happy with delight when they land on you.

"You know, I about screamed when I saw that thing fly through my window." You laugh holding up the paper. "A simple text would've been just fine."

He laughs along with you. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. I thought you'd like it."

"I didn't say I didn't." You hide your smile. "It was sweet. Especially after I realized it wasn't something coming to eat me."

"So anything special happening tonight?"

"Nope. Just working on that essay." You sarcastically smile knowing he'd see right through you. "I thought you had dinner plans?"

"I was gonna go out with a friend, but I decided to take a night for myself and just relax. I did just get some Chinese takeout though. It's waiting for me in the kitchen." He grins. "You eat yet?"

You scoff. "I wish I did. I'm starving, but I forgot to go pick up some stuff yesterday so I stuck with these." You show him your bare plate of crackers.

"Yikes." He tries not to laugh at you. "Well now I feel like an asshole for talking about all this food I have over here."

You turn around jokingly pretending to be mad at him.

"Would you like to come over?" His voice is much softer. More shy.

You quickly jerk back around. "Tonight? Right now?"

His eyes turn soft and gentle as he nods.

You hesitate. "Yeah I'd love to. Give me five minutes and I'll walk over to your pla-"

No." He cuts you off. "I'll walk over and get you and bring you back here. It's getting late and I wouldn't want something to happen to you."

He wanted to protect you from a two minute walk.

"I'll see you then." You smile and rush off to make sure you look well.

You lay gloss on your lips and change your shirt to something more special than your old sweatshirt you had on before.

Soon enough a knock placed itself on your door.

Quickly after putting on your shoes you stand behind the barrier between you and him.

You take a slow deep breath and place your hand on the handle.

The door glides open and you meet eyes with Ren. His were glossy and different from usual. They brought such a warm comfortable feeling to your mind.

"You ready?" He holds out his hand for you to take.

Your fingers slip in between his in a soft grip. "Yeah." You look up at him in a reassuring manner.

He closes the door behind you and guides you down the stairs before bringing you in closer to his side as you approach his place.

Tonight is something you've wanted for so long. A dream come to reality.

Teacher's Toy • (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now