Chapter Twenty-One | A Kiss

Start from the beginning

He was gorgeous, even if he wasn't the prettiest or that he had bruises and cuts all over his face. He wasn't perfect, but at that moment all his flaws made him perfect.

So when I made my next move, I was certain it was the right one. I closed the gap between us and kissed his swollen, imperfect lips.

At first he didn't kiss back, probably surprised. But after a while, when the tears and a speck of blood started to blend in with the kiss, he was kissing back. I didn't touch his face, or put my hands in his hair. I badly wanted to, but I knew not to touch his injured face.

I closed my eyes savouring the moment we had together. It didn't matter that we were both injured. It didn't matter that we were jigging class and would probably get in trouble. It didn't even matter that we were at school. Nothing at that moment mattered around us, our kiss was the only thing that mattered.

I pulled back after a while, a smile on my face. Chase was looking back at me blankly with his deep blue, hurt filled eyes.

"We should get you to the front office," I said breaking the silence. "If the bell for lunch goes, chaos will begin and it'll be harder."

He sighed. "Can you see my chair anywhere?" He asked weakly.

I looked around the quad, no chair in sight. I stood up, with my crutches and I still didn't see Chase's chair.

"Those bastards hide it well."

He sighed and slowly laid back down, on the dirty ground. He closed his eyes and said, "Try the girl's bathroom. They hid it there last time."

"Will you be okay here alone?"

He opened his eyes and tilted his head to look up at me. "Probably not, but maybe a teacher will find me and help me or they could find me and come back for round two."

"I'll be quick," I said and quickly limped away on crutches.

I hurried in the direction of the girl's bathroom, carefully, so I wouldn't get caught as classes were happening. I kept limping down the hall, nearly there when a janitors closet nearby struck my attention. I came closer and saw Chase's chair in there.

"Idiots," I muttered under my breath.

I somehow managed to bring it out of the closet, before the bell rung. Students flooded the hallway and I cursed for being stuck in the worst possible place. Students pushed past each other, nearly knocking me over and the chair was close to disappearing out of my sight.

After it calmed down and I was left alone in the hallway I sighed. "What the hell am I gonna do?" I asked myself to an empty hallway.

"You could ask for help," a voice said and I turned around and saw a happy Darcy, walking down the hall.

"Hey Darc. Nice timing."

"Did it happen again?" She asked.

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, did they steal his chair again?"

"Yeah. Could you help me bring it to him? I kinda have no hands here," I said gesturing to the crutches.

She chuckled, "sure. Hope in."

"Chase would kill me. It's his chair."

"Don't be a party pooper, it'll be fun."

I sighed and sat down. I laid my crutches on my lap and Darcy grabbed the handles.

"Damn, it's so low. It's so weird," I said pointing to the backrest.

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