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ooh! an open door! I crawled towards the open door. Thankfully I was using my camouflage so no one was able to see my small dragon body scurry into the doorway. I looked up and saw a mountain of stairs I had to climb. I flew up the stairs swiftly and quietly, I looked at the long hallway with many doors all the way down.

 I flew up the stairs swiftly and quietly, I looked at the long hallway with many doors all the way down

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I started crawling around and smelling each of the doors. Suddenly, one opens, I run down the hall and slam into the door on the end. I phase through it and sit down on the other side, still invisible. I stared at the small hallway that lead into another larger room, I carefully crawled into the room, seeing all of it. I jumped as I heard the sound of cursing from inside the room attached to it, the living room. I had learned the names of the rooms of modern houses for humans. 

"damnitt! I burnt the food! Stupid shit..." I looked up to see a human with ash blond hair that was spiked up, standing at about 5'7 or 5'8. He was holding a small container that smelled wonderful. It smelled like spicy meat, it made my mouth water, I hadn't realized I was day dreaming about food until I saw his legs right in front of my face. I yelped as I felt him topple over my small body. I turned around just in time to see his figure hit the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" he looked angry. Out of fear I became visible and he saw me, he got up off the floor and charged at me. I felt him tackle me and I whimpered under his weight. He was heavy and he had his knee digging in my stomach, keeping me pinned to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOME!?" I became invisible and he looked confused as I phased through him, appearing behind him and sitting like a dog. he turned around and saw I was no threat to him and he sat down criss crossed and stared at me. 

"What the hell are you?" I jumped up and scanned the room for a paper and pen. He watched as I got up and dragged a notepad and pen off the counter and dragged it to him. I picked up the pen in my mouth and wrote, which surprised the male.

'WrITe THee ABcS" he stared at me for a moment before taking the pen from my mouth and writing the alphabet. 

"Now what?" I took the pen again and pointed to the letters 

~D-R-A-G-O-N~  He looked up shocked, 

"Your'e a dragon?! Those exist?!" I nodded and he continued,

"Alright, seems like your smart enough. What's your name?" I came closer and raised my neck to reveal a small tattoo on my scales, 

'Y/N? hmm, but ew do you bathe?" I glared at him and huffed before flopping down again to sit and pouted at his insult. 

"Alright, alright, I'll take care of your ass since you can't by yourself. Let's go give you a bath Y/N. My name's Katsuki Bakugou btw even though you probably ain't gonna be able to say it.


"Y/N get in the tub, it's ready," Bakugou stood leaning against the door frame holding a plastic bag full of soaps safe for scales.

I peaked over the side of the bathtub before I felt Katsuki pick me up and throw me in. I took in the feeling of the warm water and soon relaxed. I heard a pop and opened my eyes to see Bakugou shirtless with a bottle of soap and a sponge. 

Damn he has a nice body.... I mentally slapped myself and turned to him again, trying not to stare at his abs as he started scrubbing my back and scales. It felt nice, I never had a bath properly before, I would normally bathe in ponds or lakes. Without realizing, I started purring, weird I've never done that before, Bakugou however, found it hilarious and started to chuckle softly and he continued to wash my body.

I felt him move his arms under my front legs and lift me so I was standing on my back legs and he was holding me up with his forearm. He scrubbed my stomach and slowly moved down, I realized where he was going to clean and I gently bit his arm in panic and he moved his arms back as I dropped down into water once again. 

He scoffed and apologized quietly as he rinsed me. He picked me up out of the tub and held me close to him as he wrapped me in a blue towel and started drying my scaly body. Once I was dried, he put his shirt back on and I pouted, missing the wonderful view. He saw me pouting,

"What's up your ass now?" I turned away from his and he scoffed. 

"Let's go to bed Y/N" I followed after him and watched as he went into his room, after a few seconds I followed him in and saw him half naked in his boxers. I squealed and ran out of the room and waited a few minutes before going in again to see him slip under his blankets. I wagged my tail and jumped up on the bed with him, he glared at me,

"What do you think you're doing? You sleep on the floor or the couch." I looked at him with puppy eyes and he twitched his eye in frustration. 

"Don't give me those eyes, they're too cute to handle, plus you will stab me in my sleep with your scales." I shook my head and softened my scales so they felt like normal animal hair but still looked like normal scales. I trotted over to him to where he lay in bed and I signaled for him to pet me. He looked amused, "Fine," 

I snuggled up to him and he wrapped his arms around my small body, 

"You don't stink like ass anymore, and you feel like a dog." He chuckled at his own insult, not knowing I had already fallen asleep. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, his abs were comfy to lay on and he was hella warm... 

Sorry I was busy so it took awhile to update!!!! Hope you enjoyed!! the next episode, shit is about to go down!!! SO STAY TUNED dksjjdgleuf I will update ASAP

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