The doctor cringe internally, this man was just after women, who in returned just took his money and left, he never cared about finding his mate and settle down, instead, once he found her, he immediately rejected her, claiming to be too young to be tied down.

"Well sir, it isn't seven females"

"They have more than seven female mates! oh Thank You Moon Goddess! Doctor Chan bring the champagne!"

"No sir, there aren't more than seven, just one" 

"... Oh well, one is better than nothing, so tell me is she hot?"

"Sir we are talking about your sons' mate"

"And I am talking about my future daughter in law Doctor Chan"

"Your sons don't have a female mate, they have a male omega as a mate"

"BULLSHIT! My sons aren't gays!"


"I'm going to talk to them right now!"

Doctor Chan facepalmed knowing his mistake.

He fucked up, really bad.



The old alpha marched inside the pack house using his weakening nose to smell them, finding them on the top floor reserved for themselves and really important guests, approaching the door of one of the guest rooms he could smell the sweet melted sugary scent, yup totally an omega is in there.

He didn't knock nor asked for permission he just threw the door open scaring the omega who clung to the nearest alpha for protection, said alpha being Jimin.


"Mr. Lee what the fuck?!" Yoongi shouted.

His sons never acknowledge him as their father, once they were old enough to understand what type of man he was, immediately they took each of their mothers last names and once they were old enough, they legally change them.

The alphas stood in front of Jungkook, protecting the male from their excuse of a father.

"Who is he?!"

"He is an omega we found badly injured" Namjoon spoke, he was angry with his father, and the alphas anger was starting to affect Jungkook, who was trying to suppress a whimper.

"And what is he doing here?"

"as far as we are aware, you stepped down on the leadership of the pack, leaving us in charge, we are now your alphas who you have to respect and obey, whatever choices we make,  you have no right to interfere on them" Jin spoke with such calmness it actually scared Jungkook.

"Listen up! I don't want my sons to be fucking f*gs!"

"That doesn't concern you old man so leave this room and don't come near him!" Taehyung said he was behind his brothers calming a trembling Jungkook who was showing to be affected by their anger.

"I may not have the power anymore but I'm still your father who all of you have to respect!"

"The only person we respect are our mothers who are resting with the stars and the moon all thanks to you so leave in this instant before I tell Taehyung to cover Jungkook's eyes and ears" Yoongi hissed, he was the one who hated more his father than doing exercise,  and to be here, scaring Jungkook, his wolf just wanted to take over and tear that excuse of a man.

The alphas growled and walked closer to their father, the old alpha backing up until he left the room huffing.

"You all better have female mates!" 

that's the last thing he said before the alphas closed the door on his face, all of them turning to Jungkook, releasing their pheromones to calm him down till he fell asleep.


The alphas didn't trust their 'father' to leave the omega alone, but they also had to talk to the elders, the wisest wolves their pack had, so they agreed to leave one of them behind, that man being the one their father feared the most.


Yoongi laid on the couch in Jungkook's room, meanwhile the rest left to talk to the Elders, Jungkook was still fast asleep, so Yoongi took this opportunity to check out the younger, yes check him out, totally not staring creepily at someone while they sleep no no no.

Yoongi was hoping that Jungkook was their mate, he loved the way he pouts when he sleeps, or when his nose scrunches up and widens his eyes when he is confused, he swears, when the omega tilts his head is absolutely adorable, to the point where he can feel his own heart skip some beats, or oh god! his smile!, that little bunny like smile that makes him look oh so innocent and shouts 'PLEASE PROTECT ME'.

Yoongi yawned, all he wanted to do was lay down with Jungkook and cuddle him to sleep, sure he wouldn't say that out loud in front of his brothers, only Jungkook could see and hear him being cheesy, like a love sick puppy, because that's how he felt. Jungkook's scent drove them crazy, his wolf leaving happy barks, trying to encourage the male to be as close as possible to the omega, but he refused, not wanting to make Jungkook uncomfortable or hurt him by accident. 

He turned around and buried his face in the pillow sighing in content at the smell of Jungkook everywhere in the room, he felt sleepy but he couldn't afford to lose his guard, sure, maybe they were exaggerating, their father was old now, and really weak, they don't think he will be able to do a lot of damage, but Jungkook was scared, and they weren't going to leave him alone, instead they wanted him to feel safe, so Yoongi remained awake, hoping and praying to their Moon Goddess to be bonded with the bunny boy.

Yoongi had to admit it.

He has fallen for the omega.

Really hard.

And he hopes that said boy feels the same about all of them.

Or just him.

He didn't care, as long as he is able to have him by his side in the future, he will do anything to satisfy their Goddess, who in return will grant him Jungkook's bond.

With that thought on mind he closed his eyes, of course, not falling into a deep slumber, allowing him to keep his guard up.



I feel bad for kook, I keep making him scared .3.

Im giving him a plushy next chapter as a sorry c: 

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