Show Up and Show Out

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"Excuse you, what the fuck is your problem?" 

"Bitch you're my problem, you think you're better than me because you got that nigga to marry you, need flash you're not bitch just like I had him in my bed before I can have in there again!" Leslie snapped. "That nigga will never be all for you it's not in his character darling." She assured me.

"First of all bitch I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but you can get that fuck off my doorstep with all that nonsense." I felt a hard smack to the side of my face causing me to stumble a little before catching my balance.

She made her way inside as if she was coming for me I quickly got myself together and charged back at her swinging with everything I had. She grabbed a handful of my hair trying to throw me to the floor but I wasn't going down. Wrapping my left hand around her neck throwing strong hits with my right hand as we continued to go back and forth knocking down every vase, plant, picture and furniture in the way. 

"Bitch you think you're gonna come in my house and try me, you got the wrong one baby." I assured ole girl as I continued swinging for me life flipping over the couch; lucky for me I landed on top. I can't lie and say she wasn't wearing my ass out because she was, the grip she had on my hair was so fucking tight I could feel the cramp in my neck forming while she clawed at my face. I grabbed the candle holder that had fallen over and started beating her in the head and chest watching blood gush out. 

I felt a hard stomp to the middle of my back catching me off guard however I was so consumed in the fight I didn't pay it much mind until I felt myself being drug from behind. "Get the fuck off her!" I started swinging and kicking anywhere I could land them. "Bitch you might wanna chill out before I pop yo stupid ass." I didn't know who she was but I could see the large ass handgun she was pointing in my face and I wasn't stupid enough to test the bitch.

"What the fuck you want?" I asked barely getting my words out. 

"Not that it'll matter but I'm Ryah, I'm here with her." I watched Ryah make her way to the other side of the couch try to  help Leslie to her feet. "Are you okay?"

"Does she look okay?" I mumbled, Leslie was bleeding so badly it was hard for her to stand to her feet. "Get on your feet we're gonna take a lil ride." Ryah ordered.

"And what if I don't want to, you gon' shoot me?" 

"You damn right I will, but for now I need you alive so let's go." Just as I was about to protest I noticed  a man coming through the door. I started thanking God thinking it was Justin, Jay or anybody that could help me out.  "Help me get Les to the car!" He looked at her then turned to me so I could get a good look at his face. 

To say I was shocked would've been way lower than an understatement. "Why the hell are you just standing there, don't worry about that bitch I got her!" She shouted to get his attention.

"Yeah aight." He walked over scooping Leslie into his arm. "Move it hoe or I will put a bullet in yo fucking head."

"Don't fucking touch me, I can walk." I could tell by the look on his face he wanted to explain but I didn't want to hear it.  Ryah pushed me out the door with the barrel of the gun begging for a reaction out of me so she could shoot me. "Pop the trunk."

"I'm not getting in no fucking trunk fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped.


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