I was done I walked with my phone talking to mason towards the kitchen I sat him down on the coffee machine and started choosing snacks "is this one nice?" He then smiled and said "that's my favorite" I smiled and said "I tough it was only me who loved them allot of people don't eat it!!" I said jumping up I grabbed allot of food and putted it in my backpack.

"Why is ever ging pink har?" He said looking at me laughing "well you see I felt like pink today if we meet up what color should I wear?" He laughed and said "let's match with red hoodies and sweats and everything that would be so cool!!" I smiled...

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"Why is ever ging pink har?" He said looking at me laughing "well you see I felt like pink today if we meet up what color should I wear?" He laughed and said "let's match with red hoodies and sweats and everything that would be so cool!!" I smiled at him "omg yea!!!!" The someone knocked on my door "COME IN!" I yelled witch made mason look at me and I laughed, my mom came in and then said "you look so comfy sweetie!!" She then saw mason and her smile grew wider "hey mason!!" She said "hi miss.orlando!!" She then said "call me Mackenzie or Kenzie!!" He smiled and then said "hii Kenzie!!" She then smiled and looked at me "sweetie we gotta go our private plane is waiting for us!!" I signed and then said "I've gotta go mason our plane is waiting can't wait to match!!" He smiled and we hanged up my mom looked at me and then said "you like him don't you?" I just smiled and then she said "what do you mean by matching?" "When we land I'm going to change he lives there mom so I can finally meet him!!" We laughed and we got on the plane I rolled my eyes when I saw Vanessa with us I sat next to my mom so we could gossip about how cute mason is not gonna deny it I really like him..

We finally landed! We got to the hotel I showered and then at some watermelon I then changed into this.

We finally landed! We got to the hotel I showered and then at some watermelon I then changed into this

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He texted me saying he was infront the hotel building

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He texted me saying he was infront the hotel building.. I was so nervous but I tough to myself just be yourself.. I was about to walk out and then my mom came and sprayed her expensive parfum on me and said "make mommy proud and give me a really cute grandson!!" I looked at her and then laughed and run down the stairs at the hotel and then saw him he was wearing exactly everything I was wearing even the shoes when he saw me he run up to me and hugged me I hugged back tighter and then we heard someone coughing we turned around and saw my mom making pictures "hug again but kiss her cheek!!!" She said while making more pictures mason then kissed my cheeks and I laughed and my mom made the cutest picture ever my mom then greeted mason and we walked to a playground near by "so what are we gonna do?" He then smiled and said "let's make a TikTok!!" I laughed and we made one.
( the fifth TikTok in the video)

We were done but I didn't expect him to kiss me.. "I'm so sorry I really like you but i know it's soon and all!!" He said "it's okay I like you too" I said I then pecked him.. he smiled really bright we made more tiktoks and we then both needed to go " I had allot of fun today har!!" He said happy and I said "same we need to hang more!!" We hugged and I kissed his cheek and I went back to the hotel I got into my room and saw my mom, auntie: Annie, brynn and Nadia sitting on my bed "how was it??" My mom said standing u... I jumped on my bed and screamed "I'm in love!" Then someone bursted into my room everyone else who came on the trip but my dad was the first one to talk "did I heard that good?" I looked at him and then fell on the ground "heard what" I said standing up, everyone was sitting in my room waiting till I spilled thee "sooooo sweetie what did y'all do" I signed and then said "we talked, hanged out and made Tiktoks" I said smiling and then we all got a notification from TikTok room I opened it and saw a picture of me.. I signed knowing what's wrong


  A TikTok of her and a boy named mason got posted and you see that

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A TikTok of her and a boy named mason got posted and you see that.. he kissed her in the TikTok.. but who is he? Is he famous? How do they know eachother?

"Y'all kissed!!!!!!" My mom said happy standing up and hugging me, I then sat on the bed thinking about 'his gorgeous eyes and perfect shaped lips his messy hair omg' I then lay on the bed "you know you said that loud up right?" I then jumped up and saw that I accidentally called him "omg I didn't know I called you!!" I said everyone in the room was looking at me "your so nice har!! Well we all know i like you too but I gotta go my dad needs me bye love!" He then hanged up and I fell to my bed "LOVE??!!" My mom said jumping in the air with Annie, Nadia,brynn and Brianna.. my mom stopped when she realized something "YALL CONFESSED YALL FEELINGS TO EACHOTHER??!!??" She said looking at me and I signed saying "yes. Yes we did.." she then screamed and the boys were just looking at how the girls where yelling in the air!

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