Chapter 25; Relief and Reminiscing

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Justin's POV:

"She asleep?" Ellie asked craning her neck to see Mia's face, but it was literally buried in my neck hiding away.

"She's fighting it," I mumbled looking down to see her looking sleepy, but she wasn't letting her eyes close.

I kissed her head softly cuddling her against me as I rested my cheek against her softly, my body beginning to register that I had my 6 month old daughter back in my arms.

We were here at the hospital and all I had been told was that Aria had inhaled way too much smoke and they were taking blood tests.

As for Clarissa, the last I heard was fatal and fifth degree burns and I blocked whatever they were saying after that out.

"Mr Bieber," I heard and I looked up to see a doctor with a clip board in his hands.

"From the blood test, we know Miss Moretti's oxygen levels are low but she's stable," He said and Mia's head turned softly as she looked up to the doctor, her hands bunching at my shirt.

"We've given her steroids to open up her breathing passage ways so she can breathe a little easier and also some antibiotics to prevent any infection from the bacteria in the smoke." He said and I stayed with a blunt deadpan look.

"You can see her but only one at a time please," He said giving me a sympathetic smile and turning away from me but as he reached the door he turned back.

"Also, we may need one of your signatures," He said to me and I looked at him in confusion.

"For what?" Ellie spoke up.

"Ms Trevis's death certificate," He said sadly and my eyes widened.

Clarissa was dead?...thank fuck...

"I can do that," Ellie said a small smirk playing on her face but it slowly faltered into a sympathetic look as the doctor was looking at her weirdly.

I mean someone just died and the way that Ellie was smirking was probably off putting for the guy.

"No one takes away my niece like that," She muttered putting her sweater to the side before getting up and following the doctor.

It took me a while to let everything sink in, but once I had registered that my family was out of danger for the most part, I felt the weight that was at my shoulders lift and a satisfying feeling washing over my body.

"Let's go to momma," I whispered to Mia slowly getting up and walking towards the room that I knew Aria was in.

I walked down the corridor and wrinkled my nose at the strong smell of the disinfectant before stopping at the door to the room that Aria was in.

I pushed the door open slowly and her head turned to me.

The same image of her holding Mia at the window when I had finally tracked where the hell she was flashed through my brain.

The thought only making me mentally thank god that she was okay and didn't end up like Clarissa otherwise I didn't know what I'd do.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I mumbled to her quietly as I closed the door behind me, the soft click of the lock sounding.

She puffed out a breath before coughing making me frown as a look of pain washed over her face.

She groaned lightly, sitting up straighter and resting her head against the pillows as I walked around to the other side of her bed and sat down in the chair.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" I asked her, not really wanting to go into the whole why the hell didn't you tell me that you were going argument because I wasn't up for a fight...I just wanted to make sure that she was okay...

(Sequel to OLD VERSION of Deal) Cross My Heart •jb• ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora