Chapter 30; Old Flame

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Justin's POV:

"Mia, you're gonna wake her up babe," I said quietly, coaxing my hyper four year old daughter away from Aria who was sleeping.

It was currently November 11th, which meant that Aria was nearing her 13th week of pregnancy.

Not only that but her birthday was in eleven days and I was weary for the things I had planned since her first trimester hormones were still in the mix.

She was sleeping most of the day, simple things like making dinner wearing her out to the point where she'd nearly fall asleep eating.

I didn't mind it because I knew the reason behind it, however it was putting a strain on Mia because in her little head she thought mommy doesn't like me anymore.

It only served to make me smile in the weirdest way because she'd throw a full on princess type tantrum. It consisted of me watching her whilst she pouted and dramatically folded her arms whilst looking up to me.

It would go on in five minute intervals until she'd go back to being soppy when I'd open my arms and bend down to her height to hug her.

She'd run up to me and throw her little body into my chest, my words of mommy likes you but she's just tired coming next to which she would nod and then giggle when I'd tickle her.

She was easily distracted yet it would always come back to her thinking Aria didn't like her anymore and the process would start again.

Which is where we are right now.

"But daddy-"

"Mia," I sighed and she pouted, moving her hair out of her face and walking back to me as I put my hand out to her.

"Why does momma sleep so much?" She asked me quietly as I closed our bedroom door softly, Mia's hand holding onto my pinky finger as I led us down the corridor and towards my office.

"Momma sleeps so much because a tiring little monkey called Mia keeps her up," I teased, a squeal leaving Mia's mouth when I picked her up with ease, holding her to my chest with her back to me as I moved my head to her neck.

She giggled as my stubble scratched lightly against her, a chuckle leaving my lips when she laughed harder as I blew a raspberry into the bottom of her neck.

"D-daddy stop," She giggled and I hummed, another squeal leaving her lips when she tried to push me away but failed miserably.

"Did you think you were stronger than me missy?" I asked her, grinning when she blurted out 'yes' before laughing again when I tickled her stomach and said 'oh?'

I laughed when she told me to stop, her high pitched giggles putting a smile on my face as I opened the door to my office and saw Diesel lying on the carpet in front of my desk.

"Diesel!" Mia squealed, still laughing before I put her down and let her play with him.

She ooo'd quietly to herself, plopping herself next to him as he nuzzled his nose into her stomach and she giggled again.

I kept my eye on her as I sat at my chair and moved the mouse to let my computer screen light up.

I let my eyes rake over the notifications I saw at the email icon and sighed at the same time I heard Mia asking Diesel if he liked princess stickers.

I didn't have a chance to look at what she was exactly doing because in a matter of seconds she was out the door, the pitter patter of her footsteps echoing.

It was about a minute later that she re appeared with a pink tiara on her head, a fluffy wand in one hand and a set of stickers in the other.

"Mia," I chuckled, unlocking my phone and not wasting time to take a picture of her as she sat next to Diesel and did a cute bopping motion of her wand against his nose.

(Sequel to OLD VERSION of Deal) Cross My Heart •jb• ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz