Chapter 24; Decisions During Disaster

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Aria's POV:

"Calm down?!" I cried looking at my brother and he sighed, "My fucking daughter was taking by a psychotic bitch and you want me to calm down?!" I asked him as my voice cracked in pain at the thought and he swallowed as I felt arms around me.

"Stop it," Justin said quietly to me and I let out a heavy breath, swallowing the painful lump that was making it hard for me to breathe momentarily.

"She took Mia," I whimpered and he turned me around and pulled me into his chest.

"Why did she have to take her?" I cried into his chest and I heard him let out a pained sigh as he rubbed my back as tears escaped my eyes, marking my cheeks with translucent stains.

"I don't know baby," He said softly and I curled my arms in front of me, burying my face into his chest as I yearned for comfort.

I wanted to know that Mia was okay.

I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go.

"We can't find her," Dean said walking into the room and I looked up from Justin's chest sniffling as I registered his words.

"What?" I asked not believing what I was hearing, "I can't track her," He said sadly and Justin's hands went loose around me and I looked towards him seeing him walk through the kitchen and to the garden door.

He opened it before slamming it back, the hinges squeaking painfully with the violent action.

The raged shout of Justin cursing was heard from outside before a loud bang was heard making me wince, I went to go see if he was okay when I was stopped by a hand.

"Let me go," Jeremy said and I nodded swallowing hard.

"You guys need to split up, search the city up and down or drive out of country. I really don't give a fuck, just find my granddaughter," I heard my dad demand and his men nodded exiting the room as he growled quietly to himself.

I wiped my cheeks of my tears as I could feel my body begin to get heavy, my head was in overdrive with all the mental fear of what that bitch would do to my child however the fear soon turned to anger because if anything like a single hair was touched on her I wouldn't hesitate to kill the bitch.


Aria's POV:

I looked up to Justin as I wrapped his bloody knuckles in a bandage, his lips were pressed into a firm thin line and a look of no emotion covered his face.

He looked so painfully numb and it was scaring me slightly because he hadn't said a word throughout the whole trip home.

"You okay?" I said quietly holding his hand in mine.

"No, you?" He said bluntly and I shook my head ripping the end of the bandage so I could tie it in a knot.

Once doing so I let his hand go and I rubbed the underneath of my eyes wincing as I did because the skin was so sore underneath.

"You'll make it worse if you keep rubbing," Justin said taking my hand away from my face and I sighed looking up at him.

"Do you think we'll find her?" I whispered, scared that if I spoke any louder my voice would crack.

He gave me a sympathetic look and I felt tears brim my eyes, the cavity in my chest caving in.

"I don't want to lose her," I whimpered and I couldn't help but let my sob out.

"We're not going to lose her," Justin said pulling me into him as he did earlier and I cried into his shirt. "That's one thing I'm not going to let happen," He said into my hair as he smoothed it against my back comforting me by the slightest as I hiccupped.

(Sequel to OLD VERSION of Deal) Cross My Heart •jb• ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant