Chapter 32; A Shot Of Luck

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Aria's POV:

"It's so small," I mumbled to myself, looking in the bathroom mirror as I pulled my robe against my stomach and saw the slightest bump.

It was currently the 19th of November, three days till my birthday and I was standing in the bathroom at seven in the morning hearing the commotion of Justin getting Mia ready for school.

I could hear her telling him to get the pink and not the purple one, a smile making its way to my face as I took one look at my miniature bump in the mirror and then walked out to the bedroom.

I was currently now fourteen weeks and even though my bump had only started becoming visible, I wasn't concerned knowing that it was normal since I'd gone ahead and asked my gynaecologist.

I followed the noise that was Justin asking Mia exactly what she wanted, my hand pushing open the door softly where I saw him cross legged on the floor and facing towards the drawers with Mia on his legs.

She was half dressed, in her Tangled pyjama's and her hair in a wavy mess as Justin showed her two dresses that she could wear to preschool.

The sight put a smile on my face, my hand subconsciously pressing against my stomach as I watched them from the door in silence, both of them not knowing that I was there until Mia turned to get something and caught me.

"Momma," she grinned, her little feet pushing up and off Justin until she bumped into my own and hugged my legs.

I laughed lightly, kneeling down to her as I cupped her face and placed a kiss on her nose which made her whine quietly before she cupped my face in her own little hands.

She made an attempt to smooth away my open hair from my face, her fingers pushing the strands behind my ears as her face moved into a concentrated look.

I smiled at her, her own mirroring mine once she caught my gaze and then went shy on me, "Aw babe," I cooed, cuddling her to me as I kissed her all over her face, her giggles elevating my mood as I caught sight of Justin looking at the both of us.

I smiled at him, kissing Mia's cheek one last time as she relaxed in my arms and came down from her laughing fit.

She mushed her face into my neck, my forearms propped under her legs as I stood up and picked her up at the same time.

She circled her arms around my neck, whining when I turned around and held her towards Justin who chuckled when she dramatically yawned, stretching all her limbs towards him.

"Crazy baby," he mumbled, kissing her cheek as she laughed at the feeling of his stubble against her face.

He put her down, asking her again which shirt she wanted as I left the room and walked downstairs to fix breakfast for them both.

Justin was easy to make breakfast for since all he had was a protein shake and fruit, Mia being the same since she'd eat whatever she was given.

I placed Fruit loops into a bowl for Mia, placing it on the breakfast counter and adding some milk to it as I got together Justin's things.

The smell of his shake made me gag so I just left everything out so he could add them all together and then do it himself. Even though my morning sickness was slowly going, there were still things that set me off like the smell of fish and onions.

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself, holding back the gag at the thought of onions as I shook my head and held my stomach, my eyes squinted shut until I felt a little better.

I cursed myself quietly every time things popped into my head concerning my morning sickness, my stomach churning uncomfortably at the thought as I groaned a little to myself.

(Sequel to OLD VERSION of Deal) Cross My Heart •jb• ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant