Chapter 27; Family Time

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Aria's POV:

"Where's Mia?" I asked Justin seeing him cutting up a bunch of strawberries as I walked into the kitchen.

"Sofa," He said and I walked a little past the counter seeing her cuddled into Diesel, her head resting against his stomach as they were both in the corner.

"Mia, you okay?" I asked her softly as she sniffled before she looked up and past the sofa nodding her head whilst moving a piece of her hair away from her cheek with the back of her hands.

I smiled at her, bending down and kissing her head before walking back to where Justin was.

I walked around him and to the fridge getting out the sliced watermelon and grabbing a fork as Justin reached above me for a bowl.

"You're going to turn into a watermelon one day, I swear," He said with a smile and I mocked his words ducking underneath his arm and walking over to the sofa as I heard him chuckle.

"Mia, how many times are you going to watch Tangled?" I asked her with an amusement watching as Rapunzel starting singing about what she did during the day when her mom wasn't around.

Mia didn't respond to my question as she was too focused on the film that just started up, but it was when I sat down and started munching on my bits of watermelon that she turned to me.

"What's that?" She asked curiously, her little voice pout worthy when it came out all questionable and cute.

"Watermelon..." I said to her and she sat up a little sniffling before crawling over towards me...the sniffling part a result of her being sick. "Do you want some?" I laughed lightly as she peeked her head over the bowl and she smiled at me nodding as I poked a small piece of watermelon with my fork and holding it up to her mouth.

She smiled opening her mouth letting me slip the fruit in before she started munching on it when I pulled the fork away from her then closed lips.

She hummed quietly in approval making me smile at her which made her laugh, a result of her putting her little hands over her mouth as she did.

"Baby," Justin said and out of habit of him calling both me and Mia that, we both turned around to him making him chuckle. "Do you want your strawberries?" He smiled over at Mia and I looked at her to see her nodding still munching on the piece of watermelon I gave her before she swallowed.

"Yeah," She said and she looked at me as I raised my eyebrows playfully, "...please," She said and I hummed in a satisfactory tone making her smile...ugh my baby.

"Better," I said and she gave me another toothy smile before leaning up on her shins and taking the bowl of cut strawberries that Justin was giving her from behind the sofa.

"Thank you..." She trailed off looking down at the sweet red fruit that was in little chunks as Justin handed her a fork.

"Baby do you want anything else?" Justin asked and I waited for Mia to respond but she didn't making me look at her and then to Justin who was looking down at me.


"You're my original baby, so yeah," He smiled and I shook my head at his question thanking him quietly making him smile before he walked away from the sofa leaving Mia and I to watch Tangled.

About 3 songs later, I could sense Mia fighting off the need to sleep as she subconsciously picked at the strawberries that were left in the bowl sitting on her lap as well as the way that she was constantly rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands.

Her little habits that I found so cute and more than pout worthy always had me melting and the fact that me and Justin were having another baby only made me think of scenarios that involved Mia.

(Sequel to OLD VERSION of Deal) Cross My Heart •jb• ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant