Chapter 35; Happily Ever After

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>12 years later<

Aria's POV:

"I'm convinced Harvey's mom has a crush on me."

I smiled, pausing the knife on the chopping board just as lips were pressed to my cheek and a firm hand curved around the dip in my waist.

The familiar smell of Justin engulfed me, warming me from the inside out just as he walked around to stand on the opposite side of the counter.

"She kept on asking if I picked up Ethan often and if I wanted to go out and plan some playdate ideas together," he mumbled, rolling his eyes a little as he put down the groceries I'd asked for.

"Well don't you go doing that," I warned teasingly, pointing the sharp end of my knife in his direction which made him smile.

"Never, baby."

I smiled at his words, averting my attention to the pack of spaghetti in the plastic bag whilst Justin indulged in watching me. He kept staring, something that he was unapologetic for when I met his gaze and was subject to the wide grin when I blushed.

"Nearly seventeen years and I still have it," he boasted proudly, folding his arms over his chest and leaning forwards against the kitchen counter.

"Shut up old man."

"That's not what you said last-"

"Yeah, no I think we should talk about something else," I interrupted quickly, widening my eyes a little and focusing them on Mia when I spotted her walking through the door.

It didn't take Justin long to realise why I'd interrupted him, his head turning to his daughter who was walking towards us with her phone in her hand.

"If you think I'm letting you out in those clothes you can think again," Justin said, his tone suddenly firm which made Mia's eyebrows furrow before she stopped walking and looked down to what she was wearing.

"There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing though," Mia pouted, pulling her skirt a little lower in an attempt to appease her dad who was still narrowing his eyes at her attire.

"I'm your dad, you're my daughter. That means I'm not letting you out like that."

"Justin," I muttered, giving him a look as if to say shut up when I noticed the frown on Mia's face. "She looks fine, leave her alone."

"Baby, her skirt is so-"


At my voice he shut his mouth, instead pressing his tongue to his cheek before muttering something under his breath and standing up straight to walk away.

"If you're going out with Ryan then I want to talk to him before you leave," Justin told her, not sparing either of us another glance before he walked out of the kitchen.

"Don't listen to him, I think you look great babe."

Mia smiled at my words, a relieved sigh leaving her lips instantly which made me shake my head at Justin's words just as she took a seat in front of me.

"Your dad is just looking out for you," I reassured her, stirring the pasta again before placing the wooden spoon down to the plate on the counter.

"He's so overprotective though," she said, moving her dark hair behind her shoulders and sighing.

It was odd to watch considering Mia looked like a double of me with Justin's eyes, her personality a similar match to mine which reflected just how I was before I met Justin.

(Sequel to OLD VERSION of Deal) Cross My Heart •jb• ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ