Chapter 10; I Forgot One Morning

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Aria's POV:

Snuggling up to Justin's shoulder his arm pulled me closer as he mumbled something in his sleep, I was on my side to his side and he was lying on his back, it was a comfortable sleeping position.

I kissed his collar bone and he hummed quietly making me smile, I looked past his sleeping face and my eyes caught the doors that were leading to something else in this room.

I still hadn't gotten over the fact that Justin had bought us a house.

Feeling myself starting to grin at the thought, I pulled away gently from Justin as I made it my mission to look at every room in this house – correction, our house.

I put his arm back down to his side softly as I moved my legs under neath the white sheets that we were sleeping in, I set foot down onto the floor and I got up. But as I did I felt my legs twinge in pain at how raw my pussy felt...ugh god.

Pushing back the thought of how much I was slightly burning down there, I felt my cheeks flush in heat as I walked past our discarded clothes; my heels were crossed over one another at the foot of the bed whilst my crop top and skirt were flung at the other side of the room. I stifled a giggle and I picked up my underwear, slipping them on I took Justin's shirt off the floor and placed that on as well before curiously walking over to the doors that I had seen before.

Just as I was about to open them I realised that they were balcony doors and I decided that if I did open them Justin would've woken up so I just left it. Just as I was about to walk back to where I was, I saw a door directly on my right. Opening it I peeked inside and saw an empty walk in closet, I silently fangirled a little before closing the door shut quietly.

Looking around for any more doors that were in this room I saw another one at the other side, and I walked over to that careful not to trip on my heels as I opened that one.

Again, peeking my head through I saw a en suite. I looked around and my eyes caught the massive mirror that was on the wall above the two sinks.

I walked inside and I shivered as my bare feet touched the cold tiles, looking at myself my eyes widened at how many hickeys I had on my neck.

"Motherfucker..." I trailed off and I looked at my legs and I huffed seeing bite marks all the way up the inside of my thighs.

Oh, Justin.

Even though it was gonna take a shit load of makeup to make sure nobody saw these, it was just a reminder of last night so it wasn't as irritating. I raked a hand through my hair before walking out the bathroom, again ignoring the pain between my legs because I wanted to see the rest of the house.

Walking out the room, I looked to see that I was in a corridor that only led to another one.

All together there was our bedroom and 4 other guest rooms; it was fucking huge up here.

Walking downstairs, I looked around. The living room was pretty spacious and was connected to the kitchen. The whole thing was like a massive L and on one line of the L was the kitchen and then on the other was the living room...make sense?

I walked out the kitchen and stepped into the foyer where things got quite heated last night; I ignored the wall that I was pushed up against as I did the same with the raw feeling in between my legs. Walking past the stairs, I saw a door onto the right and I opened it seeing it connecting to the garage.

A small ooo left my mouth before I closed the door, I looked around the massive foyer and it was only then when I realised how big this actual house was.

(Sequel to OLD VERSION of Deal) Cross My Heart •jb• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now