Chapter 28; False Telling Off

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Aria's POV:

"Liar," I told Justin, squishing myself into the corner of the sofa as he shuffled towards me.

"I'd never lie to you baby, you know that," He said and I squinted my eyes at him, playfully raising an eyebrow at him that made him smirk.

It had been a few days since we'd had dinner at my parents and Justin had been acting...different.

Not a bad different but like an I'm always happy despite everything that happens different, it was nice.

Mia's cold had subdued but she was still coughing here and then which Justin found cute since he'd tease her about how she'd scrunch her face up whenever she did.

She'd always reply with daddy stop in a whiny tone which always made him laugh before seconds later they'd be cuddled up somewhere.

"How do I know you're not lying about saying that you're not lying to me," I asked him, lifting my leg and keeping him at a distance with my foot.

"You talk too much," He smiled sarcastically and I shoved him with my foot, proceeding to get up but I was dragged forward by the ankle, Justin's body coming up and over me.

"Rude," I said to him, puffing out a piece of hair that fell over my face and he grinned.

"Rude is my middle name," He said.

"Actually, it's Drew you dip shit," I said, bringing up my finger and poking at his cheek where one of his dimples were.

"And yours is Grace,"

"Well done," I praised sarcastically and he playfully glared at me before dipping down and kissing me and before I could react he pulled away and shuffled down. "What are you doing?" I asked him; lifting my head at the same time he lifted by top.

"I want to talk to buba," He said and I felt the love I had for him swell inside of me, my heart skipping a beat when he sent me a shy smile before looking down at my still flat stomach.

"Buba is like, 1.6cm long," I said to him and he shrugged, hooking my other leg over his shoulder before resting his cheek on my stomach so that his face was sideways.

"I forgot how to do this," I heard him mumble, the tip of his finger tracing a circle over my belly button which had me squirming since I was ticklish.

"Just talk," I said, stifling my giggles when he moved his hand to my hip and he went to say something but I couldn't help but laugh when he slid his hand up and over my hip.

"What?" He chuckled, looking up at me with an amuse smile.

"It's ticklish," I whined, squirming and drawling out no when he slid his hand back over my hip.

"What, this?" He asked and before I could even say anything I was laughing when he tickled me, my hands coming down to stop his but I failed miserably when I was too caught up with the feeling.

"O-oh my god! Justin...stop stop," I giggled, pushing his hands away after about ten or so seconds, my stomach cramping when he tickled me harder.

"Say that I'm the best,"

"You're fück!" I laughed, hearing him chuckle before he finally stopped when I eventually said it after about a minute of pleasurable torture.

Being tickled is only fun for the first ten seconds or so...after it feels like you're being burned.

"So what do I say?" Justin asked, a light laugh in his tone when he looked up at me and then down to my stomach.

(Sequel to OLD VERSION of Deal) Cross My Heart •jb• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now