"Nice try, but you're not there yet. This weekend we've got vocal group evaluation. Do you know what that means?"

Group evaluations... I sighed because I didn't see this coming so quickly. Worst is that I have no one.

Small whispers arose but Sohee carried on. "You'll form groups, be given a random song and you're required to pull off a team performance. Evaluation is heavily based on team coordination and creativity, so do some homework, feel free to add your own colours to the song, and practice a lot."

More whispers came from the girls.

"We don't give second chances. It's a group task but you'll be graded with individual scores. From now on, every evaluation is cumulative to your overall trainee performance so you better take each project seriously. Whether or not you are good enough to stay with us till debut depends heavily on this."

More whispers came from the sides and I turned to my left giving the girl beside me a glance, a glance wanting to talk to someone about the upcoming project, but she looked awfully quiet. Was she alone like me?

I wasn't planning to start a conversation until she suddenly spoke up. "This is gonna be tough," and she turned to make eye contact with me. "Don't you think so?"

I tried not to show it but I was a little surprised that she talked to me first. "Yeah," I said. Her hair was short to the ear giving off a boyish look, but her face was small in proportion to her petite figure that made her look really cute overall. There was a short period of silence thanks to my one-word reply until I decided to start another conversation. "What's your name?" Basic question to getting to know each other, but this was so unlike me. I don't ever make friends, not to mention making the first move. But I guess I have to make an effort for the groupings if I wanted a quiet girl to be on my team.

"Lia," she said. "You?"

"Jisoo," I offered a friendly smile, and her lips curled up a little more too.

"Get into groups of 4," Sohee instructed us, "it's the first team project so I'll give you the benefit of choosing your members. In 5 minutes, I want your groups to appoint one leader and the leaders to come forth and report to me again."

I looked at Lia again and she looked at me too. I don't know about her but I was already hoping we could team up because she was the only one so far who hasn't given me a judgy look and I like that.

"Can we..." I slowly asked.

"Sure," she agreed with a better smile this time. "We need 2 more though. Who will join us?"

"I don't know," I sighed because I wasn't confident that the other girls would choose us when they see me. I wonder if Lia knew that not everyone likes me because she might not have approached me if she did... but whatever, I shall not think too much now.

The teams formed faster than I thought and it was my least expected. Hera's friend apparently dragged her over to team with us and I couldn't say no because Lia seemed more excited when people wanted to join us. After a minute of ice breaking, I learned that her friend was called Yuri.

So it was decided that me, Lia, Hera and Yuri were a team. We also agreed that Yuri was the team leader since she volunteered so passionately. For the first hour of team bonding and preparation, I avoided unnecessary girl talks with Hera and Yuri and focused only the song we had to prepare. The song we have to perform was 'Decalcomanie' by Mamamoo.

"There're a lot of parts we need to sing in sync but we don't have much time to practice tomorrow so memorise the lyrics by tonight, okay? I've already allocated the parts to you guys so you can start practicing." Yuri led and distributed the song sheet to us.

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