1 | persona non grata

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But this asshole just made a joke out of me.

I was about to whack him on his back when Ms. Ryu interrupted me. "Kim Jisoo!" She raised her voice a little more this time.

"Yes?!" I turned back to her, accidentally coming off as annoyed. That was totally uncontrolled for. I was going to direct my frustration to Jaehyun but I obviously made another mistake.

Ms. Ryu blinked at me for a second but recovered quickly enough. "YOU! 2 hours of detention after school today! And wipe your drool!" She reprimanded me.

Woohoo, there goes my afternoon nap.

I sighed loudly, shutting my eyes for a bit to register whatever just happened before turning to glare back at Jaehyun. This was all his fault. Tell me why are we friends again?

"You'll pay for this! And for god sake, stop scaring me awake!" I hissed at him as soft as I could and sunk back into my seat.

"Then you should stop sleeping in class," he smiled back at me and I had the sudden urge to shove my fist into his face.

"I will freaking punch-"

"Jisoo, do you still have something to say?" Ms. Ryu's voice thundered across the classroom. There there, all eyes were on me again.

I cleared my throat this time. "Actually, yes." I turned towards Jaehyun and revealed my evil smirk, and he dropped his smile this time as if he knew what I was going to do. "Jaehyun's been using his phone under the table the whole time."

"Jisoo you son of a-" Jaehyun cursed under his breath and I stuck my tongue out at him. He tried to hide his phone but I snagged it out of his hand in time and waved it up high for Ms. Ryu to see.

Now I have company for detention.


Jaehyun threw his fifth paper aeroplane at me, and I slapped it away without giving him the attention he wanted. Good girl was trying to get some homework done here while he was distracting me at all costs.

"Come onnnnn who does homework in detention? Even the teacher is sleeping on us!" Jaehyun whined by my side. I briefly glanced at the teacher-in-charge in front and he was indeed sitting like a rock with his eyes shut.

Jaehyun sighed, "if you were going to ignore me like this, I should've just gone on a date with Hyewon."

I put my pen down and finally turned to look at him. "Excuse me, you got me into detention first! And come on, it's just a date... you can always postpone it."

"Nah, not that I want to go out with her or anything," Jaehyun mumbled, which got me confused.


"Well the thing is, I didn't ask her out," His little smile popped up. "She did. She offered me a pair of movie tickets and asked if I wanted to watch it with her. I said yes by accident."

"Accident?" I blinked hard and he nodded, feeling handsome, which made me conclude one thing. I leaned back on my chair and said straight into his face. "You're a dick."

"Ouch, that hurts. But hey, I was trying to be a nice guy and accept her invitation until I realised that I didn't really want to watch it with her."

"Okay wait, who the hell is Hyewon?" I flipped back through my memory to see if the name would ring a bell, but nope, not at all.

Jaehyun shot me the 'are you serious' look. "You're as horrible as me, I hope you know that. How can you not know your classmate's name?"

I rolled my eyes at him, not at all guilty for forgetting. I have no interest in other people so most of the time, I don't remember them. Maybe I'll know it when I see a face more often but most of the time I wouldn't even bother with their names.

Dear My DevilOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz