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(Last chapter cuz I not in fandom no more)
"Soooo now what?" Japan asked. "I don't know you invited us! You think of something!" N.k said. "Ugh well we should watch a movie!" Japan said. "But what kind?" Ame asked. "Uh- Comedy?" She said. We all agreed. She put on the movie.
(Idk what to write so)
                   1 month later
It was finally time to go back to school! (I refuse to put covid 19 in my book) I got ready. I met up with Russia, Japan, Sk, Nk, China and Ame! We entered the school. "Wow, I was expecting changes." Ame said. "Same." Nk said. "Well lets go to our classes." Japan said. "Japan. We still don't know our classes." I said. "Oh. Right." She smiled. "Hey I'll be back I'm going to look for Austria!" I said. "Ok." They said. I was looking every were. I found hm! "Hey!" I smiled. "Oh hello." Austria said. "I wanted to tell you things!" I smiled. "Oh okay. Lets go outside" He said. "Ok! So I'm going to tell you everthing!" I said (My only way to explain what happened through that 2 month) "So me and Russia are a couple again! Ukraine and Canada are now dating! Japan and south broke up. Sadly.. And Mex and Chile broke up!!!! And Ame and Jap ( I'm going to say Jap for Japan's bro and Japan is Japan!) finally got together!" I smiled. "Mhm well let's go get our schedule." He said. "Okay!" We went to grab our schedule. I met up with the group! "Hey guys!" I smiled. "Hey Ger! What teacher did you get for history?" Japan asked. "I got Asean." I said. "Oh I got E.U." She said. "Ok so who has Asean" I asked. "Oh! I do." North said. "Me too!" Canada said. "Since when you here?" Ame asked. "Uh idk." He said. "Anyways! Who did you get." Canada asked Ame. "I got E.U." He said. "Russland who did you get?" I asked. "Oh. I got E.U." He said. "Well I got Asean." I said. "Well we should go to our classes tho-." Japan said. "Mhm let's go to Asean's!" I smiled. I turned around to say good bye to Russland but he was walking to class with Ame and Japan was talking to Estonia. "Hey. What's wrong?" N.k said. "Um- nothing!" I said. "Y'know you are a bad liar." He said. "I know..." I said. "Now what's wrong?" He asked. "I think Russland doesn't like me.. I think he likes Ame..." I said. "Listen. I'm pretty sure Ame woudn't cheat on Jap (Japan's bro) after all Ame like Jap for sometime." He said. "I guess you're right." I said. We made it to class. I sat with N.k, Canada, Malay, Sweden. "I will do the call thing- whatever it's called." Asean said. "Canada." "Here!" "Peru?" "Here." "Brazil." "Here." "Germany." "Here." Sweden." "Here." "Finland." "Here." "Poland." "Here!" "North korea?" "Here." "Malaysia." "Here." "Turkey" "Here."
                     After that
"I'm going to pick your partner." Asean said. "Canada and Germany. Poland and Nk. Brazil and Peru. Malay and Turkey. Sweden and Finland. Your work will be due in 4 weeks! Class dismissed" Asean said. "Germany!" I heard. I turned around and saw Poland hugging me. "I've missed you! Soooo much!" She cried to me. "I- Me too." I hugged her back. We stayed like that until Russland pulled me away from her. She fell to the ground. "Agh sh-." She said. She got on her feet and said. "Ah sorry! I didn't mean to hug you for that long!" "It's okay." I said. She left. I turned over at Russland. And of course he was gone! "UGH Why does he keep leaving me! Am I not good enough! Does he hate me!" I said out loud. "You okay?" Canada asked. "No! Every time I try and take to him. He always leaves me!" I said crying. "It's okay. I'm sure he has a reason." Canada said.
                 Russland pov >:)
I haven't been talking to Germany because (I'm too shy
👉👈) I'm thinking about how I should ask him on a date. And I left when he was hugging poland because Ame told me to meet him. "Russia! You want to ask Ger to a date?" Ame said. "Mhm." I said. "Well first-." He was bout to finish when I cut him off. "I don't want to know how you and Jap's date went like." I said. "I WAS NOT GOING TO SAY HOW OUR DATE WAS LIKE!" Ame said blushing. "Ha, your blush says otherwise." I said. I looked behind me because I felt like someone was watching. I saw Germany. He was crying. He ran. "SHIT!" I ran over to him. "Ger..." I said. "What do you want! Go hang out with Ame!" He cried. "It's not like that." I said. "THEN WHAT IS IT?! AME WAS BLUSHING! AND YOU WERE LAUGHING?! YOU THINK I'M STUPID?! I WASN'T BORN YESTERDAY!" He screamed. "Listen." "NO YOU LISTEN. WE. ARE. OVER." He yelled. "That's okay. I'll be by your side." I said getting up and I left. 'Fuck I'm an idiot.. I knew this isn't how I should ask someone out.' "Hey Russia you okay?" Ame asked. "Huh, no. Ger broke up with me beacuse he thought I was cheating on him. I guess I'm not worth dating anybody." I said. "Don't say that! You were worth something when we were a thing!" He said. "We were a thing. Now we aren't." I said. "I am so close to slap you and tell you amazing thing about you!" Ame said. "Don't know if that's good or bad. But please do." I said. He slapped me. "Russia! You are important! You matter! Don't let a person destroy your life! You were mean and cold! But now look at you! You've became a diffrent person! And if you are letting someone break your happiness.... Well you are wrong! You are funny! Kind! And you care for your friends!" He said. "Well guess what!" I smiled. "Um what?" He asked. "I want to die more than ever." I smiled. "NO!" Ame yelled. "The person I love. The person who I wanted to marry. The person who was the first person to be with me. The person who was the best thing that happened to my life. Broke up with me!" I said. "Listen.. The person I loved. The person who I wanted to get married. The person who I gave all my love to. The person who hated me. The person I promised to myself will always love. Broke up with me. And that person was you! We all have been through that once. We know how sad it is to lose the one you loved the most! " He said. "I guess you are right." I said. He smiled. "I loved talking to you but I'm going with jap." He said. "Mhm don't have babies yet." I said. "WHAT?!" He said. "Just go." I said. He left. I smiled and almost walked to my house then I remembered. I have school. I ran to school as fast as I could. The teacher was waiting for me there. "So Russia where were you?" The teacher asked me. "Ah yea about that. I was going through something. " I said. "OK but where is America?" He asked.  "I don't know  where he went." I said "Oh okay." They said. I went inside and went to the class.
                ~End of the day~
I walked to my house. I was so tired. I opened the door and went to my room. I fell asleep.                  ~°Some time later°~
I heard someone enter. "Hey? You alive?" Ukraine asked. "Mhm. And what do you want?" I asked. "So I heard you and Um you know who broke up.. So I want to look for the perfect person for you!" She said. "I don't care." I said laying down. "So is that a yes!" She smiled. "Whatever just leave me alone." I said. "I'll take that as a yes! I'll be getting people!" She smiled closing the door. 'WHAT DID I JUST GET MYSELF INTO' I got up and changed. My phone buzzed. I picked up. "Hey!" It was Ame. "What?" I asked. "So you know Ukraine told me we are looking for someone you can date! So boy or girl." He said. "I dont care." I said. "So both?" "Yea sure whatever." I said. "And if you dont like them! REJECT THEM! I want to see tea!" He giggled. "Yea sure." I said. I hanged up. I walked downstairs. "Hey Kaz take care of bel I'll be back." I said. "Okay!" He shouted. I left and walked to the park. I sat down. "Russia what are you doing?" Said someone. "Huh? Oh it's just you." I said. "Oh I'll leave you alone!" She said. "Actually no. I need someone to talk to." I said. "Oh okay! Anytime!" She smiled. "Well me and Ger broke up." I said. "Oh why?" She asked. "He thought I was cheating on him with Ame. But I was just planing to take him out. Since we havn't had our date in a long time!" I said. "Oh... Well I'm no expert on love but! I'm sure he still loves you!" She said. "I doubt it." I said. She frowned. "I'm sure he really does!" She said. "Thanks ______." I smiled. "No problem! Well I need to leave now! Bye!" She waved. "Bye." I waved back. "Well she was nice." I said outloud. "Thank you! You aren't bad either." She smiled. I was looking at the ground. She left. "DID YOU SEE THAT?! IT WAS SO CUTE!" Ame yelled out. I looked over. "Oh wait SH-." He said running. "COME BACK YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH-." I ran over to him. He tripped. "It wasn't only me!" He said. "Whatever." I said helping him up. "Thanks!" He said. "Well what happened with Jap?" I asked. "Oh! He was showering me in gifts! I love him so much! He made me food. We both ate! And watched a movie at night!" He said blushing. "your blushing!" I said. "AM NOT!" He said. "Whatever." I laughed. "How do you get over a break up so easily? Especially with someone you really loved?" He asked. "Oh.. Well I just do think about it. I think about the positve in things." I said. "Oh... Can't say the same thing bout me." He smiled. "Anyways. How is Canada?" I asked. "Oh! He is fine." He said. "Well I'm going to the store." I said. "Oooo! Can I come. Pleaseeeeee." He said. "Sure. Just shut up." I said. "Yay!" He smiled. We walked to the store. We walked in. We got things and Ame was just looking around like he had never been in a store. "Russia! Can I get this pleaseeee!!!!" He pleaded. "I dont care. I need to get home." I said. "Yay!" He said. We got to the cash register. "Hello!" They said. "Hey." I said. "Is that your boyfriend?" They asked. "No no no! That is my friend. I have a boyfriend." Ame said. "Oh. Sorry." They said. "It's fine." I said. "Thank you." I said before leaving. "Here." I said giving Ame what I bought him. "You owe me." I said. "Mhm! Whatever!" He said.  I walked Ame to his house. "Thank you!" He smiled. "Mhm whatever." I said. I walked over to my house on way there I saw Germany. He walked over a side walk to the other Sidewalk. I saw Ukraine behind him so I said. "Ukraine! How was finding me a date going!" I said loudly. "I've found people!" She smiled. "Awsome." I smiled
I'm so stupid for breaking up with him.. He was the only person that actually kept me happy. Guess it's back to work! I smiled. I stayed up all the way up to 5 A.m. "Bro what are you doing awake?" Austria said. "Working! What else?" I said. "Ok? Sleep." He said. I fell asleep while working. I went to get a drink. But there wasnt any so I got up. But on my shirt. And pants. And what normal people do. I practiced smiling when I see a friend. 'okay I'm ready' I said to myself. I walked. I came across. "Him" He was walking Ame to his house. I was looking behind him. Since we came on the same side walk. I saw a crosswalk. And made it to the other side. I heard Him talking to Ukraine. "Ukraine! How is finding me a date going?" He said. "I've found people!" She said. "Awsome." He said. That's the last thing I heard. I saw Poland. And ran to her. "Oh hey ger!" She smiled. "Hey! So I know this is a really weird question!" I said. "Huh yea what is that." She asked. "Can you come with me to Turkey's?" I said. "Oh... Okay?" She said. We walked the same direction. "This is so slow!" She said. "Let's run!" She said. "Oh okay!" I said. We ran and we were right behind him. "So why do you want to visit turkey?" She asked. Right on time. "I need to talk to him.." I said. We stopped in front of his door. Luckily he opened the door in time. "Oh it's just you two? What do you want?" He said. "Can I come in!" I said. "Yea sure." He said. "Thank you Polen!" I smiled. "No problem!" She smiled and ran away. "So what do you want?" Italy asked. "Listen you know when I said. I never wanted to talk to you?" I said. "Welll I need your help..." I said. "And that is?" He said. "So your willing to do it!" I smiled. "Sure." He said. "Okay! No backing out now! So I broke up with Russia because I thought he was cheating on me with Ame! And now his sister is helping him find a date for him. And I want you to fake be my boyfriend. No feelings!" I said. "I guess?" He said. "OMGGG Thank you!" I smiled and jumped on him. "Yea whatever." He said. "Bye, Bye!" I smiled running away.
                   ~°Next day°~
I got up early. I changed and left. I ran to his place. I knocked. He opened up. "Oh hey." He said. "Hi!" I smiled. "Lets go." He said. We walked close to school. "Okay ready to hold hands?" I said. "I guess?" He said. We held hands. And we made it to school. We went inside. I saw the group. We were still holding hands. Japan saw me and turkey. She pointed. We went in the class. We sat next to eachother and with Canada and polen. We stopped holding hands.
It was lunch. "Hey were do you eat?" I asked. "Rooftop." He said. "Oo! I've never been up there." I said. "Well cmon let me show you." He said. We walked up the stairs. We made it to the roof top. I looked around. "Wow it's pretty up here." I said. "Mhm." He said. "Oh. I didn't get food!" I giggled. "Here lets go together." He said. My face was warm. "O-oh yea!" I smiled. "You okay?" He asked. "Mhm." I smiled. "Ok lets go." He said holding my hand. We walked to the lunch room. The group was staring at me. I waked infront of Turkey. He looked like he didn't mind. He got me food. And we went back on the rooftop. We sat. Poland then came. "Hey guys! Are you a thing?" I asked. "Mhm." I said. "Oooo~! Can I take a picture of you guys! For the board of students together. I had to take a lot down." She said.  "Mhm." I said. We took the picture. And she left. Turkey was looking at the ground. "You okay?" I asked. "Mhm." He said. I frowned. "Tell me what's wrong!" I said. "Nothing is wrong." He said. "Mhm." I said. I looked over and saw Japan spying on us. "Wait here. I'll be back quickly!" I smiled. I ran over were I saw Japan. "What?" I said. "I thought you didn't like him?" She said. "I didn't like Russia either. But I dated him." I said. I left. And sat back with him. "I'm going home." He said. "But class?" I said. "Idrc bout class." He said. "I'm coming with you!" I said. "Oh okay." He said. "We wait up here." He said. The bell rang and he grabbed my hand and we went were the place was crowded. And we made it out. He was still holding my hand. I turned ariund and saw someone but didn't fully see. We made it to Turkeys place. And we sat and talked. I wonder... I got close to him. And he pushed me. "Woah there." He said. "Oh! Sorry!" I said blushing. "It's fine." He said. And then he kissed me. "I-I! You wanted to make the first move?!" I said. "Mhm." He said.
                       Next day
Again I woke up. But this time. I was already in his place. I looked at him. "Looks like your using my clothes." He said. I changed. "They're to big!" I said. "I know." He laughed. "Whatever let's just go!" I said. "Mk." He said. We talked until we got to school. "I hate this place." He said. "Dont we all." I smiled. "Yea. Except you." He said. I looked at him. "Not true!" I said. "Mhm lets get to class." He said. We made it to class.
                      After class
I saw Russia. I said to turkey. "Go." "Uh? What do you want?" I asked Russia. "So I wanted to surprise you. And go on a date with you.. Bc whe haven't been on a date for a while. And I told Ame to help me. And if you dont belive me I'll show you text messages." He said and took out his phone. And showed me his text messages with Ame. "It's okay tho. You're already dating Turkey and I'm dating somebody. So bye." He said walking away. I ran to Turkey. I started crying. "Ugh I'm so stupid!" I said. "Woah why are you crying?" He asked. "R-Russland told me h-he was going to take me o-out on a date. And I accused him of cheating." I cried. "Oh." He said. "I thought you said. You moved on?" He said. "Yea... I know I said that! But he made me happy..." I said. "Then I'll make you happy." He said. "What?" I said. "If he made you happy. And he isn't with you. I'm going to make you happy!" He said. "T-thank you." I smiled. And then that's when I saw Russland with a girl... I was shocked. I pulled Turkey and kissed him. I looked over at Russland. He wasnt there a R noanymore. I let go. "Sorry!" I said. "Nah it fine." He said. "Let's go to my place. I live alone!" I said. "Ok." He said. We left to my place. I opened the door. "I'm
tired!" I said. "Then sleep." He said. "Sleep with me." I said. "Mk." He said. We laid on the bed and fell asleep.
It was Saturday. That meant time to hang out with Poland! I did what a normal person did in the morning. She was waiting for me outside. "Let's go!" She smiled. "Mk." I said. "But- where do we go?" She asked. "The park?" I said. "Sure!" We walked to the park. "So..  I was talking to Russia the other day." She said. "Why would I care about Russland!" I said. "Idk anyways I mentioned you. And he said. Idc about him. He is annoying to me now. Yea.." She said. "I would say the same thing about him!" I said. 'or would I?'  We arrived at the park. I walked over to the grass. And layed down. Poland sat next to me. "Don't you miss the days." I said. "Mhm..." She said. "I just want to restart everything..." I said. "Yea. We all wish that at one point." She said. "Polen." I said. "Yea?" She said. I hugged her. And started crying. "Shh it's okay.." She said. I didn't say anything. I heard someone coming so I hugged her harder. "Hey guys!" Ame said. "Go away." I said. "Oh." He said. He left.
Poor Germany... His life is so hard.. I don't want to let go. "Promise me.... You won't try to harm yourself..." I said. "... I promise.." He said. "And I'm being serious. If I see you with sleeves on. You have to show me your wrists." I said. "Mhm." He said. Nk came over. "Oh hey." I said. "Hi?" He said. Germany stoped hugging me and stood up and hugged Nk. "Uh?" He said. "Let him." I said. "I wasn't going to push him." Nk said. "Mhm.." I said. "Please..." Germany said. "Don't leave me." He said. "I won't." Nk said. 'nk has grown softer.' I smiled. We talked for a time. It was time to leave..
I walked by myself. And arrived home. Flowers....? For who? I checked. For me?.... Who was it? It didn't say. I smiled. I went inside. "Aus? You here?" I said. "Oh yea." He said. "Where did you get the flowers?" He asked. "Oh Idk. It was on the door step." I said. "Anyways someone is waiting upstairs for you." He said. "Mkkkkk." I said. I opened it and saw Ame... "What do you want...?" I said. "Hey. Soo.." He said. "I don't care go away." I said. "Are you still mad bout that? I'm with Jap!" He said. "NO I'M NOT I JUST DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" I yelled. Aus came running upstairs and told Ame to get out. He did. "Hey you okay? I'll make food." He said. "Mk." I said.
Yay they make up have friends
They adopt baby
Baby grow up
Baby not baby anymore
K I wont be posting I left the fandom long ago that's why I didn't want to post. It just so fucking Cringey. 😔 I'm sorry- to all of you that had to deal with me. All I'm going to do is just read mha/bnha shit- So yea I already muted all of my followers and now it's my time to say my goodbye 😝

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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