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As soon as the bell left everybody left except me and Poland
"What do you mean love?" I asked him.
"Like you love me...." Poland said covering his face with his sleeves
"Now who is the one blushing!" I said happily.
"U-uhm can I." He said.
"Were?" I asked.
"Cheek!" He said
"Ok!" I said he kissed my cheek. I smiled we held hands like the old days and walked to class. I took him too his class then I went to mine. I went to the back of the classroom. And sat down.
I go to Poland's class and picked him up there. We held hands and went to the cafe. "What do you want?" I asked him. He was looking at me. "U-uhm Strawberry please!" He said smiling.
"Ok!" I said I went to the cash register and paid for the drinks when they were ready we walked outside to a park where I me and Poland hanged out when we were little kids.
"Well my second time I'm going to do this. Hey Niemcy? W-will you-." I cutted off Poland.
"Are you confessing again?" I asked him. He sat next to me. "Yea. I already knew it was going to fail." He said sadly. "Heh who said it failed." I said staring at the sky.
"So is that a yes or no?" Poland asked me.
"It's a yes you big dummy!" I said laughing at him. I layed down and his head was on my chest. I saw someone at the corner of my eyes. It looked like Russland. I turned around.
"What's wrong Niemcy?" Poland asked me
"Oh nothing!" I said smiling. "Oh ok!" He said smiling back.
It was getting dark. We said our goodbyes.
"Bye Niemcy!" Poland said.
"Goodbye Polen!" I said waving at him.
I walk into my room and see the roses on the ground and the glass shattered everywhere. I pick up the roses and go outside. I start to rip the petals and I threw it away. I went to my bed and started to text Poland.
Hello polen
How are you!
So basically Russland gave me this flower. And when I came today. Russland was nowhere here to be seen! I went to my room to text you! I found the flowers on the ground. And glass scatter everywhere!
Oh no that's bad!
Anyways where do you want to meet for our date!❤
Lets do the park!
Okay what time tho?
12;30 p.m!
Oh no Russland is here.
It sounds like he is with someone else?
Who go check
Ok ill be back.
I quietly open the door and see Russland with someone so I open the door even wider and See Ame and Russia on the couch watching a movie Ame saw me.
"Hey want to watch?" He asked me.
"N-no sorry I'm texting Polen right now!" I said.
"Oh okay. But I thought you guys had a fight?" Ame asked "Well yea but um were dating now so?" I said nervously because I like Russland and Polen!
"Dangggggg!" Ame said.
"Hey Ame can I talk to you in private!" I said.
"Sure why not. I'll be back Ruski~." Ame said it made me cringe A lot.
"Yea?" He said
"So u-um you know how you like Russland. Well now you have a chance to date him since I'm dating. Polen!" I said happily but really wanting to stab him and watch him die slowly. He hugged me and said this.
"Thanks for not getting mad at me!"
"Yea sure!" I said.
"Anways I need to leave to go text Polen again!" I said. I said leaving the room and saw Russland in the kitchen with his Vodka. I ignored him and went to my room. I closed my door and grabbed my phone I saw that my page wasn't on message. I went to my messages. Poland wasn't there. I got out of my room. "Hey Germany did yo-." Ame said before I cutted him off. "No shut up." I said putting on my shoes.
"Where are you goin-." Russia said.
"Nowhere you want to know." That's what I said before closing the door. I went to Poland dorm.
I knocked he opened.
"Come in!" Poland said
"Thanks." I said.
"So what brings you here?" Poland said
"Just wanted to get your number again!" I said.
"Ok!" He gave me his phone and I copied of his phone number.
"Thanks!" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Would you like to stay." Poland said blushing a little bit.
"Sure I would love to!" I said smiling.
"Um where are you sleeping?" Poland asked me.
"Not here!" Japan said coming out of her room.
"Hey Japan!" I said nervously.
"Poland don't you remember what he did to you during the wars?" Japan said.
"T-that wasn't him!" Poland said slapping her. He went to his room.
"Wtf was that for!" I said
"What you don't deserve to date anybody!" Japan hissed. "Well guess what you don't either!" I said.
"I wasn't as bad as you!" Japan said.
"That's because it wasn't you it was your mom! Like how it was my dad and Italy too!" I said.
"What I'm trying to say is your father did bad things!" Japan said
"Yea I know he did but you only made it worse by Bombing Ame!" I said
"Whatever!" She said going to her room. I looked around for a pencil and paper I found it. I wrote.
Hey, Polen.
I'm truly sorry. I can't stay here because of Japan. Meet me at the park at 12:30 p.m.
Also love you hope your okay. It's okay if you don't feel like talking to me.
I hope you read this and not throw it away or rip it.
Love, °Germany°
I slipped it under a little hole in the door and left. I closed thier dorm. I opened my dorm room I saw Ame laying on top of Russia. I walked into my room to see a note.
Go die and never come back.
Die, Russia
I have never gotten this mad I grabbed the note ripped it and put in on water went to were they were sleeping. I woke up Ame so he wouldn't get wet but complained. So I didn't care. I spileed it on Russia.
"This is what you get for telling me to die!" I said before going to my room. He knocked and kicked but couldn't he almost opened it so I went to my work room that has pretty strong doors then Poland texted me.
Hey Niemcy I saw what you wrote. And it's okay! I understand why you can't come to my dorm anymore. But other then that lets go to sleep!
Thanks for forgiving me Polen.
I slept at my work room. Cuz I knew Russia would be in my room. I woke up due to my alarm from my room. I opened my room door and saw Russia on my ground he was slepping. I stepped over him and went to change. I checked the time it was. 11;54 A.m. Then I remembered Poland I had plans with him. I went to the living room where I saw Ame on the couch sleeping with Russlands coat. I put on my coat and went to Polands Dorm. I knocked on his door he opened it.
"Niemcy!" He said hugging me we went outside. We talked until we got to the park.
"This place reminds me of things." He said smiling and a little tear in his eyes.
"It's okay there is no need to cry!" I said hugging him. He jumped.
"Are you alright? Do we need to go back?" I said worring about my lover.
"I'm fine." He said smiling.
Russia pov
I woke in Germanys room the door was opened. He left. Probably went somewhere with Poland. Huh guess my heart doesn't want to move on. I go to the living room I see Ame sleeping with my coat. God why does Ame and Germany need to be so cute! I step outside the room to see Ukraine coming towards me. "Have you seen Canada?" She asked me worried.
"Hasn't Ame told you, He is somewhere safe and he doesn't want to be in the dorms." I said.
"But where!" She asked.
"How am I supposed to know!" I said.
"Whatever I'm going to ask Mexico!" She sajd going to the room next door.
She knocked.
They opened.
"Hey have yo-." She said before the door shut at her face.
"Rude!" She said walking away. I heard yawning from behind me it was Ame he was waking up. He wakes up and stares at me. He was blushing slightly. I walked to my room. I lay in bed sleepy. Ame comes in the room.
"Hey where is Germany?" He asked me.
"Somewhere with Poland." I said.
"Oh well I'm going to leave now." He said.
"Bye." He said
"Bye" I said he was still wearing my hoodie. I Imagine that was Germany. He would look cute too. No Germany is dating someone. Oh god why is life hard sometimes. I stand up. I text Mexico.
I'm bored
That's nice
I'm bored
That's nice. Also hang out with someone like Germ
He is with Poland.
Oh well Ame?
He just left.
If I know where he lives.
Ames ex. No thank you.
Welll I mean we can Hang out just hold on I got to get ready!
I put down my phone. After 5mins later Someone is knocking I open the door and Mexico is there.
"Were do you want to go?" I asked him.
"To the park." He said then the rest was mumbling.
"What?" I said.
"Oh nothing!" He said smiling at me. We made it to the park. We sat at a bench. "So." I said
"Yea?" He said
"How is your relationship with Chile?" I asked him.
"It's ok." He said.
"Is it better than you know Canada." I said.
"N- Yea!" He said.
"Oh okay." I said then I saw someone familiar it was Poland and Germ. He saw me so I started to talk to Mexico. Poland saw me and gave me the.
"If-you-talk-to-Germany-your-dead-to-me-. Eyes. I grabbed Mexico hand and left the park.
"What was that for?" He asked me
"U-um reasons." I said.
"C-can we visit C-Canada?" Mexico said looking embarrassed.
"Sure. Lead the way." I said. He walked towards this house.
He knocked on the door. Canada opened.
"Hey Nada!" Mexico said smiling.
"Hey Mex and Russia!" Canada said happily.
"Come in!" He said gesturing for us to come inside. We went inside.
"So how is your relationships?" Canada asked.
"It's going good!" Mexico said.
"I'm not dating anyone.... Yet." I said.
"Who is your little crush!" Canada said giggling.
"Well um your brother." I mummbeld.
"Awww!" Canada said.
"OoOoOo! You like Ame!" Mexico said.
I was embarrassed.
"Hey let me speak to you alone, Russia." Canada said. We went to a room.
"If you ever break my brothers heart. I swear to you. You will go through the same pain that he will go through except it will be worse." Canada said. He went back to the living room. I was surprised. Canada was usually a nice type.
"Well it was nice talking to you guys. I will see you later. I am going to visit North and annoy him!" Canada said smiling.
"Can I come!" I said.
"Sure!" He said.
Mexico left. We walked to Norths home. We knocked. North opened.
"Damn it." He said.
"Hey North!" I said.
"Oh hey Russia." He said smiling at little bit. But his smile soon turned back to a serious face. North and I were talking.
"Hey Northie! What do you have to eat!" Canada said whining.
------------------------------------------- Yay the end! You made it congrats.

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