Chap. 25

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We walked all the way to the park. "Russland?" I said. "Yea?" He said. "Uh- Never mind.." I said. (I don't know what I was going to write-) "C'mon you can tell me." He smiled. I sighed and said. "So I was thinking.. Maybe we should have a little break from eachother. Not a break up! But like so we can hang out with friends and catch up." "I guess." Rus said. "HI!" I heard a voice behind us say.  I turned around and saw Ame. "Oh hello!" I smiled. "So are you free now?" Ame asked. "Yep!" I smiled. "Well lets go!" He said. I kissed Russlands cheek. "Do you want your hoodie back?" I asked. "Nah you can wear it." He said. "Danke Russland." I said. "Hurry!" Ame said. "Yea I'm coming. Bye Russland." I said. "Yea. Bye." He said. I ran over to Ame. "So what is happening between you two?" Ame asked. "Just a little break." I said. "Oh that's sad." He said. "So have you been seeing a certain someone?" I said. "Uh- do I have to answer that question?" He asked. "Ooo~ so you are!" I said. "Yea! But like I'm not telling you who it is!" Ame said. "Aw why not! I'll maybe convince them to go on a date with you!" I said. "Yea... But I don't think I'll have a chance!" He said. "Well there's always more people!" I smiled. "Yea." He said. "Well anyways! I think Japan and South are the cutest couple!" He smiled. "Yea." I said. "Every couple is cute!" I said. We started talking. "Let's go to my place!" Ame said. "Okay!" I said. We walked to his place. He opened the door. "Hi mom Hi dad." Ame said. "Hello America." Britain said. "Where is Canada?" Ame asked. "He's with Ukraine." Britain said. "Oh. Well anyways Ger and I are going upstairs." He said. We went upstairs. "I'm bored!" I said. "Well what do you want to do?" Ame asked. "I.don't know. I'm also kinda tired." I said. "Oh! A little sleepover just me and you. And maybe Canada when he comes back." He said. "Ok! Well we got plenty of time until it turns dark." I said. "Hm let's play a game!" He said. "Ok.. What's the game?" I asked. He told me the game. "Ooo sounds like fun to me!" I smiled.
                 After the game
"That was fun!" Ame said. "Yep let's go see if Canada came back!" I said. "Yea let's go." He said. Ame knocked on Canada's door. "Hello?" Ame asked opening the door. "Oh it's just you." Canada said. "Yea? Who else would it be?" He asked. "I- uh never mind." He said. "Well um hello Ger." Canada said. "Hi." I said. "Well? What were you doing with Ukraine?" Ame asked him.  "We were just hanging out why?" He said. "Oh- Nothing I was just wondering." He said. I said. "Let's go now." "Yea... Bye Canada." He said. "Ger.. Thanks for being my best friend." Ame smiled. "You're welcome! And thank you also for being my best friend.. 'For the past years until that...." I said but the last part quietly. It was night. "Welp it's night.. Time to brush and sleep!" I said. "Yea. But have you been doing your work? U.N said we still have work." Ame said. "AH?! WHAT?! SH-." I said. "Dude calm down!" Ame said. "Do you have a computer I can use." I said. "Yea." Ame said. "Great!" I smiled. "I will go get it." He said. He left the room. I started looking around. I saw a old picture. I picked it up. It was him and Japan. There was hearts all around her. He came back. "Hey ger came bac-." He said before he saw me holding the picture. "Oh- I see you saw that.." Ame said. "Don't tell me the person you like is.... Japan." I said. "Well not really Japan." Ame said. "Omg her bro!" I said. "Uh- yea.." He said. "It's okay there is no need to be embarrassed." I said. "Yea. But her bro is a kind- sweet person. Just like Japan." Ame said. "Aw that's cute. I'm sure that it'll work out." I said. "Well I'm going to sleep here is the computer." He said. "Danke." I smiled. I started to do my work. An hour or two  I received a call.
J-Hey Germany I see you are doing your work at night and you need some sleep. Get some rest I'll do your work.
G-Danke! I really appreciate it.
J-You're welcome.Bye!
G-Wait! Why are you awake? You're supposed to be sleeping!
J- ah don't worry about me. I'm fine. I've been hanging out with China and North Russia and South!
G- Well bye then. I really appreciate
I smiled at my self. Ame was sleeping on the bed I walked out of the room. France and Britain were still up. "Oh Germany why are you awake aren't you tired." France asked. "Oh I was doing some work and I couldn't sleep." I said. "Well. If you aren't comfortable here. I can drive you to your place." France said. "Well I'd really appreciate that but I'll sleep with Ame." I said. "Ok." She said. I walked back upstairs. I was siting on the bed. Ame woke up. "Ger? Why are you awake?" He asked. "Oh I couldn't sleep." I said. "Lay down." Ame said. "Ah no need to-." Before I could finish my sentence. "I don't care. Lay down." He said. I laid down. We both eventually fell asleep.
'this was the dream again. I saw Russland and Ame. Again. They seem to be getting along. Ame then kissed Russland. I thought he would push him away. He didn't. We were all screaming like little girls. Even me... Everyone then turned to me and Canada. And started chanting "kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!" Canada looked at me. I smiled. And he kissed me.. Can this be the future.. After me and Russland have a break... Will I be happier with Canada?'
I woke up. What in the fu- I don't want to end up like that! But maybe it's for good... Maybe me and Russland are not meant to be. Ame was sleeping next to me. I got up from bed. I put on my shoes and coat. "Hey Germany will you want anything?" France asked. I just left the place. Then my phone buzzed.
G- hello?
J-Hey ger you doing okay?
G- yea.
J- Why do you sound mad? Something wrong did Ame do anything?
G- Oh sorry I didn't get enough sleep!
J- ah... Ok... Well I finished your work.
J- Yes Ger
G- good
J- well my bro is calling me! Bye.
G- Bye!
I hunged up. I was in my place. I brushed my teeth. I looked into the mirror. I'll take a shower. I turned on the shower.
I was done. I will read a book. That will maybe help me! I like to read books. Let me take one from fathers room. I walked in there. The window was open. "Huh." I said. I grabbed a book and left the room. I started to read. It was a good book!
I was done reading the book. I like it! I recived a call.
J- Hey ger you free? You can come over.
G- oh well I'll be over can I invite Ame!
J- Mhm!
G- Ok!
I put on my shoes. And a new shirt. I ran to Ame's place. I knocked. "Hi you here for Ame?" He said. "Yep!" I smiled. Ame came out. I told him we were going to Japan's place. He looked at me. "What- Did you tell Japan! She won't stop annoying me! I-I think I don't want to go." Ame said. "Ame I didn't tell her. I just said if I can invite you." I said. "Oh! Thank you!" Ame said in relief. "I would never tell anyone. That has a crush on there sibling." I smiled. "Hm well we are here." Ame said blushing hard. "It's okay calm down." I said. I knocked. Japan's brother opened. "Oh hello America and Germany." He said. "Hello!" I smiled. "H-hi." Ame said. "Are you ok America? You're red? Did do something to get you mad?" He said hugging him. I smiled at Ame. And saw he passed out. "Uh You might as well look at Ame." I said. He looked at Ame and saw he was passed out. "Oh my- I'll take him inside come in." He smiled. I smiled. He almost carried him upstairs. Until Ame woke up. He saw his face. And then as much as force as he could. He let himself go and he ran to sit down next to me. And Japan's bro sat next to Ame to make sure he is going to be alright. "So how have you been?" Japan asked. "We've been good! What about you?" I asked. "We all have been great!" She said. It was akward. Japan then said. "I kinda miss school." "I mean.. I kinda do too." I said. "Well! Anyways. I miss the day soo. Sleep over again!!!!" Japan said. I smiled. "Let's invite the people that can come!" She smiled. We started inviting people.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry I haven't been posting ;-; I really don't have time. I'll try to post faster. Also why am I awake it's almost 3 am ;-;

Friends Forever?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora