Fight 2

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It wasn't long enough before he managed to open the door
Mex was scared. He looked at Chile straight in the eye. Chile smirked.
"What do you want?" Mexico hissed at him.
"Nothing, I just came to see you!" He said
"Why are you here?!" Mexico screamed
"I told you nothing, I just came to see you!" He smiled
"Why did you come here?!" Mexico said
"Wellll since you really want to know." He said. Grabing his arm that's when I got angry I hit him with a shampoo bottle. He fell on the ground. He wasn't knocked out so I hit him more times
"C'mon lets go!" I said
Mexico grabbed my hand. I locked the door and Called Ame since he know people that are strong.
Ame come!
Just hurry and come!
He came like in about 1min.
"What's wrong?!" He said
"Call Russia!" I said
"Uh uh okay!" He said getting his phone out he called Russia
Russia came in about 3 min
"What?" He said
"Uh uh Russia Chile is in there?!" I said
He went inside. He came out with Chile
"Is this why you wanted to know where Mexico was?" He said
Mexico just looked the other way this whole time
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing." He said looking at the ground
"Are you sure!" I said worried
"No I'm not sure!" He said tears were forming.
"What's wrong?" I said
"nothing important." He said
"Please tell me what's Wrong?" I said
"It's that... Maybe I should just leave. It's like nobody would care." He said
"I would care!" I said
"You would be the only one that would care!" He said
"What about, Arg, Ame, Rus. Many people would miss you!" I said
"Yea sure they would." He said looking at the ground
Germany pov
So Russia told me to go to sleep which I lied to him saying that I would. But I'm still watching t.v. He said he had to leave to go somewhere. Honestly that was fine by me. Someone knocked and I already knew who it was. I opened the door and Polen was there.
"Hallo Polen!" I said
"Hello Niemcy." He said
We talked for a while. He left. Russia came back.
"Germany I know you are awake." Russland said
"How did you knowwwww!" I whined.
"It's pretty obvious." He said looking at me.
"Awwww." I said
"But seriously go to sleep." He said
"But don't you need to sleep to?" I said
"Uhm Well I'm not tired." He said
"Well idc go to sleep!" I said
"No, You go to sleep first!" He said.
"No You!" I said.
"Fine." He said going to his bed
After awhile Russia fell asleep. I went next to him cuz whyyy not. I fell asleep. I didn't want to but I did. I heard my alarm from the other room. I woke up. I saw Russia was waking up. I got off the bed fast and ran to my room. I changed. Russia came out of his room.
"What were you doing in my room?" He asked me.
"I uh uh Dunno?" I said.
"Eh Idc anyways." He said leaving to his room
I was standing there thinking How did he know?
Does he hate me?
Do I like him?
He came out
"Let's go." He said
"Uhm so you know when we went to the cafe." I said
"Yea." He said
"Uhm who was the person you were going to confess to?" I said
"Oh nobody important really." He said
"Oh okay." I said
North was waiting with China they were talking. I saw a slight blush on North.
"Ooooo!" I said
"Huh what?" China asked me
"You guys like each other?" I asked him
"No!" North said
"Hmmmm...." I made a thinking face.
"I don't like anyone. Every one is gay here." North said looking at the ground
"But aren't you to?" China said
"Shut up!" North said
"K chill." China said
I saw Ame he was death staring at me. I saw he was with Japan. She was talking to South. I could tell South was faking a smile. He saw me staring. I quickly turn my head to see North fake hitting China
China was laughing. North was getting madder. North said
"Fck u."
"Aw I'd rather Fck u." China said in a teasing way
"Uhm No thank you I'd rather die then have you Fck me." North said
The bell rang. I went with Russia to the class room.
We talked for a while. Ame was constantly staring at me It was making me feel weird
"Hey Germ?" Russland said
"Huh? Yea?" I said
"You ok?" He said. I haven't noticed this in a while but Russia was cute than ever.
My face was turning red. I could feel it turning red.
"Germany are you okay?! Your face is turning red?!" Russland said
"Oh Germany is blushing, because he likes you more than just a friend." America said
"Uhm, That's nice. I guess." Russland said
"Ame, You also like Russia. While you were dating China!" I said I knew his secrets.
Ame just stood up.
"Heh, If you're so smart and know everything about me why don't you say who I used to like. You won't." Ame was saying
"You used to like Japan. But when you heard she like South. You were crying every night. And told me everything." I said
"Uh I." Ame said
"Germany sit down please." Russland said
"Sorry." I said taking my seat
Now this is awkward Ame told Russland I liked him. Does Russland believe America? Omg! This will be more awkward. Lunch was here. It was going to be awkward with Russia. Hm I can't sit next to Polen since he is with Ame. Guess I'll just have to be with Russia, China and North. I made my way to them. Then Ame stepped in front of me
"Oh hey Germany. Where are you headed to?" He asked me
"Nowhere you want to know." I said
"What are you going with Russia and his Friends?" Ame said
"Just shut up, Your voice is annoying. It hurts me ears!" I said. He was ready to punch me. Then North came in front of me.
"Wth?!" Ame said
"What are you doing?" North asked him.
"Uhm Teaching Germ to stop exposing my Secrets." Ame said. North stared at me. China then came. Ame glared at us all.
"Heh, Look Germany. Your own crush doesn't even want to protect you." Ame said. I looked around. But I didn't see Russia anywhere. I stood up and ran to the stairs. It lead to the roof. I looked everywhere. Then I saw Russia.
"Russland what are you doing in the roof?" I asked
"Oh nothing." He said
"Uhm so... Let's go to the dorm!" I said
I grabbed his arm and forced him to go to the dorm with me. I opened the door.
"Let's watch a movie!" I said
"Oh okay?" Russland said
"Yay, What do you want to watch?" I asked Him
"Oh Idk, You pick." Russland said.
"Hmm let's watch something Funny, Then Horror!" I said
"Ok." Russland said. Then a knock at our door. I opened it to see
The end.
I'm sorry haven't posted much. Anyways Happy new years (for me it's 4hrs.)
Yay the end :)

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