Chap. 1

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Germany pov

Today I heard there was going to be a new student I was really excited then I could make a friend. Hopefully... Like always I am already awake and In school to my surprise there was a kid here already. "Hello!" I said
"What do you want." The kid said.
"Um are you new never seen you here?" I said
"No shi+." He said.
"Ugh be like that then." Then I left.
"SHI+." He said.
"U-um what's wrong?" I said
"Well since you are here and the only person here can you show me around." He said emotionless.
"O-Oh of course." I said
"Looks like we have The same home room together. And math, Art, Social studies, And finally Science oh forgot about P.E ." I said.
"Can you show me where it is." He said Impatiently. "O-Oh yea right."

After that.
"Lets go to home room!" I said.
"Oh and this does not make us friends." He said.
"W-wait. What's your name?" I said.
"Russia." Russia said.
"I-I U-Uh Bye." I said before Running to home room. "Early as usual Germany." Mr.Un said. "You look like you seen a ghost?" Mr. Un said. "S-Soviet......... S-son Is...... Here." I said. "Oh you mean Russia?" Mr. Un said. "Y-yea." I said. Then Russia came in along with other kids. "Russia I want you to sit next to Germany." Mr. Un said. "Anddd who is that?" Russia said. "The kid in glasses." Mr. Un said. I was having a panic attack since. You know what. (Warss) he comes next to me. And sits I try so hard not to have a panic attack I raise my hand and ask to go to the bath room of course he said yes. I went outside and ran to the bathroom. Ugh My head hurts then I went back to class. "Hey Since you are smart help me with this." Russia said. "I-I'd rather not." I said. "Ugh whatever." He said. "F-fine." I said. "Just give me your paper." He said. I gave it to him. He copied of me and made some mistakes. "Thanks I guess." He said emotionless. "Y-yea no problem I guess." I said. "Aren't you Thirds kid." He asked. That moment I froze"Yea and aren't you Soviets kid?" I asked. "Yea." He said. We went to the office to get our dorms and me and Russia shared one. We went home. Dad was in his room as usual I go upstairs to my room and start packing up my stuff for like the 7th time my dad got out of his room and Asked me "What are you doing?" "I Am packing cuz I am going to Move to a dorm." I said. "Oh ok. But who are you moving with?" "Dad I think you might not like him. It's Russia." I said. "Oh and who is that?" He asked. "Oh it's Soviets kid...." I said. "Oh k." He said. "I'll go back working." He said. "Oh okay see you in the weekends!" I said yelling then closing the door. I saw Russia he just ignored me. I went inside the school and picked the biggest room. I started to unpack. I put the most important thing in my nightstand. Russia came in with a bruise in his eye. I didn't want to talk to him so then I just went to sleep. I heard him go outside the dorm. I stand up and look around then I see glass on the ground. Wtf I thought to my self and my Important thing was not where I left it It was on the ground. I started to panic it was the only thing that was going to feel like dad was with me! I sighed and cleaned it up and threw it in the trash. I went to the extra room. (There was 2 extra rooms.) The Extra room was where my working stuff were Since knowing me I work a lot so I went to my work. I heard Russia come back. He went to my working place. "What are you doing?" He said. "Something that is not going to interest you." I said. Putting my work on a paperclip. I got my chromebook out of my backpack and started typing things down. He sighed. "This is going to be boring sharing a room with someone who likes to work." He mumbled to himself. "If you don't like me then go get a new dorm." I said angrily and typing at the same time. "Nah I just unpacked and I'm to lazy to pack again." He said. "Then don't complain." I said. "What ever." He said and then left. I hate this guy I thought to myself. Then I heard light snoring. I went outside to the living room and saw Russia sleeping on the couch.
K I'm sorry .^.

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