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Poor Germany :( I feel baddddd. Frick U Italy wait... But I wrote this book. Oh Frick U Italy and myself.
I kicked Italy in the face. I stood up and proceed to kick him. I untied the rope. I learned how to do this when I was younger. Father was always afraid what might happen to me. And it came in hand. I put on my clothes. And punched Italy for the last time and Screamed "OUR FRIEND SHIP IS OVER DON'T EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU!" I ran to Japan's room she was the only one other than Russland. I can't always count on Russland! Japan opened "Germany why are you crying are you okay?" She panicked. "Italy he tried to." I said sobbing. "He what?!" Japan said angrily. Then I remembered she shares a dorm with Poland (I think. I don't even remember.) Poland came over. "Is everything alright?" She said. (I'm going to make Poland into a girl. Because yes.) She looked at me. "Are you okay?" She said. "Yea." I said crying. "You're clearly not." She said frowning "Then why'd you ask?" I said. "Don't be a smartass." She giggled. "Heh." Is all that came out of my mouth. Japan was gone probably beating the living CRAP out of Italy. Poland and I were talking. We were laughing It got late. Real late. "I should be going." I said. Japan came back. "Bye bye!" Both of the girls said. I walked to Russlands dorm. I knocked he opened. "Oh hey Germ." He said. He said I could come in. I saw Finland. I couldn't care less either way. "So Imma be in the kitchen. Not like you guys would care!" I said. I was on my phone Italy texted me.
God damn Germ you really are a bitch no wonder that's why Ame would cheat on you. Also I hate you. Don't come crawling back to me.
As If I want to do anything with you. You really are a bitch. I wish I never met you.
Heh could say the same thing about you.
Just be quiet and dont talk to me.
Well anyways fuck you
I went on Instagram. I looked at the time.. Shit I should be sleeping now. I fell asleep on the table.
I woke up beacuse Russland was shaking me. "Ugh finally you wake up. Hurry and get dressed!"
Russland said. "Yes right!" I got ready. "Russland.." I said. "Yes?" He said. "Um I'm really sorry. I knew who much you loved me and I broke your heart but it was for a reason. Ame he forced me. He said If I wouldn't you wouldn't be here in other words you could've gotten killed." I said looking at the ground. "Germany. You knoe I love you as a friend." He said. "I know." I smiled. A friend.... A very good one... A friend who dumped him... A friend that hated him... A friend who doesn't deserve him... A friend who loved him... A friend who still loves him...
Russland 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
I love Germany as a friend it's just I'm dating Finland and I can't break his heart. I don't even know who I love anymore. Germany is cute. Finland is also cute. Germany would be there for me. Finland too. But Finland keeps avoiding me and going to Estonia. Why does life have to be hard. Me and Germany were talking people started to whisper about us saying. "I think they're dating?" "Are they dating again?" "Ew. They're dating." "IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! SAY TO OUR FUCKING FACES!" Germany yelled. "Calm down Germ." I said. He looked angry. "Fucking people these days..." He said. "What do you mean?" I said "I almost got R&!!!." He said. Then he covered his mouth like he didn't want me to here that he got you what. "By who?!" I said. "Fucking Italy!" He said. "Hm.." I said. "That bitch." I whispered. Germ crossed his arms. A sign that meant "don't talk to me or I will kill you" I wanted to talk to him but he was giving me the death stare. He mouthed "If you talk to me. You won't be alive. So leave me alone. Please" He can be mean at first but Germany always trys to be polite. But when he is really mad he would swear/scream. I sound weird knowing things about him... But then again we used to date so it isn't that weird? Whatever we went to class. Ame kept glancing over at us. Germ looked like he wanted to kill Ame. To be honest I also want to kill Ame. You know who I haven't talk to in a while. North ever since that kid Martial or whatever his name was again me and North just stopped talking. And North turned into a softie.. Maybe I should talk to him at lunch. But first we need to get this dumb class out the way.
🍇 🍇Lunch 🍎🍎
It was lunch I saw the kid and North and China was being the third wheel. "You and North are dating right?" I asked. "Yea." North answered me "China are you the third wheel?" I ask. "Hm pretty much yea." He said. "Yea so Russia how's things going for you? Met anyone new?" North asked. "Nah But I am dating someone." I said. "And there name is?" North asked. "Finland." I said. "Oh I was expecting someone like Ame." The kid that I honestly don't give a crap about what he said. "Hush!" North said putting a finger over his lips. North smiled. "It's been a long time since you smile." I said. "Yea Martial told me it suits me better so I do it often." North said. "Hm that's nice." I said. "If you're saying Finland. Who is Germany dating?" North asked. "He Was dating Ame. But that didn't end well." I said. "Hm what do you mean?" "They broke up after Ame cheated on him with Phil." I said. "Oh that's sad. So Germany is single?" North said. "Yea." I said. "Oh that's cool I guess." North said. "Anyways want to hang out later just me and you? At the park" North asked me."Yea sure." I smiled. North said "Wow really I was expecting you to say something like you couldn't because you were to busy doing stuff." North chuckled. "Really?" I said chucking. "You guys seem to be good friends." China said. "Yea we are." North said. I just smiled at China. "So now what?" North asked. "What time do I meet you?" I asked. "Maybe 4:00 p.m." North said. "Yea sure. Now I need to talk to Germany to make sure he is all right." I said "oh okay I'll see you." North waved. I went to go check on Germ. "Hey you alright?" I asked. "Hm yea, I'm fine I'm just talking to Canada, Poland, Japan." Germany said. He was smiling as If nothing ever happened to him. "Well Are you going to be okay for like 1hr?" I asked. "Huh yea I'll be fine. Why were are you going?" Germ asked me. "Oh yea I'm hanging out with North K." I said. "Oh yea I'll be fine I might hang out with Poland." Germany said. "Oh that's good just make sure you come early." I smiled. "I will!!" Germany smiled. "Well now we should go to our class before we are late." I said grabbing his hand. "Oh heh yea." Germany said squeezing my hand. I sat next to him. We talked about random sh- Stuff. "So you do you want me to help you?" I said. He looked at me. "Hm yea. Away from Ame And Italy." He said smiling. "Why do you always smile?" I asked. "Hm I don't know It's just something to tell myself life is ok even if it's not." He said looking at me. "Uh okay?" I said. He still kept his smile.
🏫After school🏫
It was 2 so maybe I could get ready in 2hrs. "Hey Russland don't you have to go somewhere?" Germ asked. "Hm oh yea I'm just getting ready." I said. "Oh you should just wear a hoodie and jeans." Germany said giving me a smile. "Heh I'll consider it." I smiled back. He smiled and said "When are you going?" He asked. "Oh um 2hrs." I smiled. "Oh well you should get something for North. You know. " He said. "Hm why?" I asked. "Cuz You know you guys were best friends!" Germ said. "What do I get him?" I said. "Maybe a *Insert whatver gift you want*!" Germ said. "Uh okay?" I said. I went to the store to get *insert gift* I bought it looked at the time. 10mins .. Might as go now. I made it to the park. He came. He ran over to me. "Hello Russia!" He said. "Hi." I said. "Um so here is *insert gift*." I said. "Aw thanks I love it!" He smiled. "Remember when you were cold!" I laughed. I looked at me "Yea, I kinda hide my feelings." North said looking at the ground. "Yea You always looked depressed." I said. "Yea, so you want to go to the Cafe?" He asked me. "Yea sure." I smiled. "I also remember when you were cold until you met Germany! And then you guys were the happiest couple!" North said. "Why does Germany have so many people that like him?" North asked. "Like You, Ame,Italy,Poland, Czech, Hungary! oh also did you know Japan also liked him! You don't know this but I do because I force it out of them!" He smiled. "Dude you need to chill." I said. "Hm nah I'd rather learn stuff from other people! By force." North said. "Uh okay?" "Anyways do you like anyone???" I asked North korea. "Um yea! My boyfriend!" He smiled. "And?" I said. North didn't say anything he just turned his head and mumbled something. "Hmm what was that I couldn't hear you?" I said. "I like C-China!" He said. "Hm that's interesting." I said chucking. "P-please don't tell Martial he will freak out!" North said. "I won't." I smiled. We talked for a while then It got dark. "Well. We should get going." North said. "Yea." I said. We left the cafe we made it to the dorm. I made it my dorm I opened the door. I saw Germany he was sleeping on the ground with beer. Looks like he had fun while I was gone. I picked him up and put him on my bed. He moved a little bit. Then he grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed with him. "Sleep with me." He said. I grabbed his waist and then I fell asleep. (That's what friends do)
Russia left. I got up and grabbed a chair. I went to the kitchen cabinet. I saw the beer that I kept. I grabbed it. I went to put on something. Hm I should invite Japan.
Come over plz
Okay I'll be there

Okay. She is coming! Now we wait.... I heard a knock I was so excited. I opened the door and saw Japan. "Hello!" I said grabbing her hand and bringing her to the couch. "I always wondered how did you get your neko ears?" I asked. "Oh these things well I had them when I turned 5 yrs old. That's when we met. I don't know why I asked dad and all he said was. "You are special that's why." Yea I kinda don't like them...." She said. "Hm why don't you like them???" I asked confused she always looked happy with her ears. "Oh um ever since you know North said those things to me. I started to hate my ears. But I wouldn't cover them cuz then you guys would suspect something." She said looking at the ground. "Oh so that's why you hate your ears because OF ONE GOD DAMN PERSON! Japan... Just ignore him!" I said. "Anyways lets get watching." I smiled. She put on her Hent- I mean anime. We watched it. She then said "This is boring let's watch Hen-." I punched her. "No." I said. "Aw you're boring!" She whined. She left and I was drinking. I slept on the ground. With beer around me. I heard the door open but I didn't want to wake up. Someone carried me I will assume it was Russland. He was about to leave but I pulled him on the bed with me. He grabbed my waist and fell asleep.
I woke up from by nap. I looked at the time... 10mins before the alarm sounds. I'm making food for Russland! (THERE JUST FRIENDS) I was making Pancakes I heard a knock. I opened the door. I saw Arg. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Chile wants to see you and Canada." Arg said leaving. He had bags under his eyes. I remembered the pancakes I ran to them I flipped it. Okay it's ready!!!! Now we just wait... Russland woke up he opened the door. "I made you pancakes!!!" I said handing him a pancake. With a plate ofc! "Wow thanks Germ." He said hugging me. "Y-yea you're welcome." I smiled while blushing. "Anyways aren't you going on a date with Finland after school~." I said teasing him. "Yea..." Russland said not sounding excited. "What is wrong? Did something happen?" I asked. "No nothing happened I'm just tired." He smiled. "Well we should get ready." I said. I got up and put on my oversize hoodie. I put on my shoes. I waited for Russland. He takes forever to get ready. "Are you done yet?" I said. "No not yet He answered. "Hurry uppp!" I said. He was done so we left the room. That's when I saw Ame. He was acting as if nothing ever happened. He looked at me. He smirked. I grabbed Russland's hand. I brought him to China and North. Hm I guess Martial wasn't here yet. "Were is he?" I asked. North looked at the ground. "Um he is at home resting cuz he is sick!" North said looking up. Then I remembered CHILE?! I ran to Canada. "Chile." I said dragging him outside. We went were chile was. "Oh hey didn't think you'd be here." Chile said. We just stared at him. "Oh yes, You were here for a reason. Mex?" Chile said. "What?" Mexico said having a hard time standing up Canada ran over to him and Helped him up. "What are you going to say to Canada?" Chile smiled. "Oh yes Right." Mexico said. "Canada...." Mexico said
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I love ya. (No homo)

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