Twenty Five

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Today was yet another day that I would just be going to work. I woke up yet again to my alarm blasting a radar-like sound, making me roll over in agony.
I got up today with a little more energy than yesterday, as I knew today was gonna be an interesting day.
Last night, I had gotten home from work around 9, as I went out for dinner with my team at a restaurant near the base. I packed my bag for the trip, and put it in my car in advance. I was terrible with procrastinating, have been my entire life, but I still managed to get packed last night. As for work, I dressed somewhat comfortably today, as I knew I would be at the airport in a few hours. After my shower I decided on a pair of super light wash mom jeans and a light grey sweater. I paired this with a pair of white Gucci sneakers, and some dainty cold jewelry.
I did my makeup and hair very simply, with natural makeup and just a blowout. I ordered my daily smoothie and put my suitcase along with my purse and backpack in the car.
On my way to work I made a pit stop at the smoothie place and grabbed my breakfast smoothie before heading to the NCIS headquarters. I knew I already had a new case, but that hopefully we would be able to deal with it today.
I pulled into the security and was let through before heading to the base parking lot and heading into the building.

So, our flight was at 6 and it was only an hour long, so we would be leaving for the airport around 4:30. I woke up around 10, to an empty house yet again. The guys had a short practice today, as they got out at 3. Trev offered to drive Syd and I to the airport, which was very nice of him. I got out of bed at 10:30 and got In the shower. I took an actually long shower and shaved and did a hair mask, as I wouldn't be home for a few days, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts. For my airport outfit, I picked out a pair of white sweatpants and a light pink off the shoulder top and some air force 1s. A pretty simple outfit but still cute. 
I grabbed my suitcase, that had basically just been unpacked, and started to take out the outfits I was planning on bringing. I got my toiletries first, then my makeup. I went to my closet and picked out three outfits, one with leggings and two with jeans, as well as a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt to sleep in, and my two dresses for tonight's dinner and for the party. I grabbed anything else I might need, like jewelry and shoes and packed them up. One thing I learned from growing up traveling a ton was how to not overpack and how to condense all of my clothes into a small suitcase, and for those two skills I am extremely thankful.
When I finished packing my suitcase, I packed my backpack; which holds all of my essentials, like chargers, my laptop, etc. I then brought my bags downstairs and got something to eat. It was around noon, so I decided for my lunch I was going to make myself a quesadilla. I put some grilled chicken and sautéed peppers in it, and it came out really really good.
I got a text from Alex, ultimately just saying they got a break at practice and he just wanted to say he loved and missed me. I told him I love and miss him too and I'll see him in a few hours.
I double checked all of our flight info and boarding passes while I was eating, and then I went downstairs to just shoot some pucks in the basement.
When I was growing up, whenever I would be out at this house, I would always go down there and just hook up my phone to the speakers and blast music and just shoot pucks to relax. Especially when I was coming back from my injury, I mean i couldn't get on the ice so I did the next best thing.
I connected my phone to the Bluetooth speakers and just shot pucks at the net for a solid hour before I got a little tired and took a break to go on my phone for a minute before doing some cleaning.
We have a cleaning lady that comes every week, but with a group of teenage boys living with you, the house will never be as clean as you want it to be. So, while they're at practice, I'm gonna get some light cleaning done.
It was around 3:30 when j heard the door open that I knew the guys were back and that all of my time spent cleaning would be ruined within minutes. And boy, was I right. I go upstairs from the den where I was vacuuming to find five pairs of shoes scattered around the living room. I gave a sweaty Alex a hug and kiss and I sent them all up to get showered cause they smelled horrid. I sat on the couch scrolling through Instagram for a few minutes before I head Cole come out of the shower first. Then Trev, followed by Jack, and then Quinn, and lastly Alex. We all joked that most of the time he spent doing his hair, which was probably true, and he just told us all to fuck off.
I looked up from my phone and they were all watching the Office, which was typical. I will say, I've never really been a fan of the office, but the boys love it so I've just gotten used to it being on constantly.
By now, it was 4, so I got off my ass and got up to give all the boys a hug goodbye. I gave Alex a sweet goodbye kiss, and Trev smacked me on the head as a "hurry up and stop making out with my best friend." I got my bags and put them in the car before Trev pulled out of the driveway and started the drive to Syds house. I texted her that we were on her way, and when we pulled up, she had just come out of her house and was ready to go. She hopped in the back seat after putting her bag in the trunk next to mine, and we headed to the airport.
We were basically talking the entire drive about hockey and about the Team Canada game, as all the boys were starting to get really worked up about it. I mean, it's understandable, Canada is our biggest rival, so this was a big game for them. Trev said that they're still not sure about Cole starting at the game, but that they're really pushing for him to be on the ice during the game.
We got to the airport at around 4:50, which was really good time. I'm assuming it was because it was the middle of the week, considering there was virtually no traffic.
I got out of the car, and Trev got our suitcases for us. We both gave him a big hug goodbye and he wished us a safe trip before pulling out of the departures section of the airport.
We entered the airport and we went to a virtual kiosk to print our boarding passes before we started walking towards the giant security area. We passed through security really quickly, as we had TSA clear. By the time we got to our gate they were practically really to board, so we got ready as they started calling the first boarding group. We were sitting in first class, so we boarded earlier than we had on the last trip.
As soon as we got on the plane we sat down and we were offered cookies and coffee/tea. This was a really short plane ride, the entirety of the flight lasting about an hour and 10 minutes.

A/N sorry about this chapter being really short it was more of a filler chapter, so it's pretty uneventful.

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