Twenty Three

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By the time we get to the gate, they're starting to board people. We were in the fourth boarding group again, so we sat down for a few minutes until we had to go. They called up injured people or elderly people and people travelling with kids, military, first class, and then us. We boarded the plane, sitting in virtually the same seating arrangement as before, but Trevor was sitting alone. We went to our seats, Alex and I sitting right in front of Trevs row. At first, there was nobody next to him, but later a girl that looked probably around 18 boarded with two of either her friends or sisters. He wouldn't say it but I know Trev was hoping she was sitting next to him, because she was insanely pretty. Low and behold, she took the seat next to Trevor, and introduced herself when she sat down. She said her name was Katie, and Trev introduced himself as well. Gonna be honest, as Trevs sister, it kinda weirds me out when people find him attractive, like wheee do you see it?, but at the same time I'm glad when he gets girls cause I know it makes him happy.
I laid my head on Alex's shoulder, and he gave me a kiss on my forehead and rested his head on top of mine. We both have always found it easy to sleep on planes, while jack never could. I heard cole bitching some of the flight, I think it's because he slammed his foot in the door in the bathroom, but to be honest he was always complaining I've learned to tune him out. Alex and I put in our headphones and watched Jumanji and Jumanji 2 for most of the flight, even though I fell asleep for part of it.
I may or may not have eavesdropped on some of Trev and Katie's conversation, but in my defense they were talking virtually the whole flight. Apparently she was 18 and she was studying at Georgetown. She had gone on a trip to visit some family, and was heading back to DC for school. When the flight was over, we were getting up to leave and Trev asked her for her number. Wow what a big boy, finally stepping up and asking a girl out. Shocker. One thing I should say, if you don't have siblings, you're gonna think I'm really mean to Trev, but when you grow up with a brother, it's not considered mean it's just sibling love. I'd give the kid my kidney if he needed it, but no way in hell am I giving him some of my food.
We got off the plane, and when we were in the arrival gate, she gave Trev a goodbye hug, and they said "see you soon" meaning they were planning on seeing each other again. Good for him. Alex and I decided we wanted Starbucks, so all of us headed to the Starbucks by the gate. We called two cabs from there and we headed to the pickup area.
There were a ton of cars by the pickup area, but we managed to find our drivers, and as we were walking, we passed a spot, and Alex pulled me aside. I looked up at him curious, and he goes, "right here was the first moment I laid eyes on you, and that was the moment I knew I loved you" I looked in to his eyes, my own starting to tear up, and he kissed me on the forehead. I looked up to him again and gave him a sweet kiss before taking his hand in mine and walking to meet the others. This boy is so sweet, he's damn well perfect.
We got into one of the taxis along with Cole, the other four in the other taxi, and Alex, who was sitting next to me, looked down at me, and I asked him "what?" While chuckling, to which he just said "nothing. I just think you look beautiful."

"I love you, turcs."

"I love you too"

We sat in the taxi, Alexs hand on my thigh, for about 45 minutes. There was minimal traffic, but we got through it really quickly. We made small talk with our cab driver, who was this really nice lady from Lansing, Michigan. We talked about Michigan, considering the boys knew that state incredibly well, as well as a little bit of hockey. She used to play until she faced an injury, similar to mine. Now she drives a cab as well as works a job with a media team from the Capitals, which is really cool.
We arrived home, and I used our code to buzz through the gate. We arrived a little more than five minutes before the other four, which was surprising considering we left after they did. Our driver pulled up to the front door and we got out all of our bags. I opened the door and almost immediately plopped down on the couch. Gonna be honest, as much as I like travelling, I enjoy being home a lot too.
We were all kinda hungry, considering we skipped lunch, so I texted in the gc asking what the guys wanted for food.

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