Teaching my team and my sisters team about the World of Martial Arts

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Round one Wrestling

Nora: "OKAY! What's the first lesson!"

Jin: {If you didn't know about Wrestling well is all about doing grappling-type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins, and grappling holds. The whole purpose of his to make your opponent to submit to you and putting them into the most painful positions. For now you will learn the few basics like Dropkick, Backbreaker, and you might like this one Sharpshooter.}

Nora: "What's this Sharpshooter?"

Jin: {A Sharpshooter in Wrestling term, but the originally name was sasori-gatame or scorpion hold. The way to this is when the opponent doesn't have a weapon and charges at you you're going to grapple his or her leg and bring it down on them. Then grab both of his or her legs as your have the legs high you place your right leg between your opponent right leg. Once that happens bend it as soon as possible also bend as much as you can okay. Then your place the bend leg onto his or her knee so when your turn it you can place your hand under his or her heel. If you know the interlock move then you understand what your doing. Then you make him or her turn as you turn him around and place your other hand free and place onto his other knee. With that finally just crouch stand as you hold both his legs so that he or she can't escape. From that you win! so do you understand Nora?}

Nora... is jumping up down like a bunny and just with so much energy that I'm surprise. 

Jin(mind): "King I think I found your long lost daughter."

Round 2 Kung Fu

Jin: {Are you ready Ren?}

Ren: "As ready as I can ever be Jin."

Jin: {Okay, what I'm going to teach you is Kung Fu or commonly know as 'Wushu.'This Martial Art is also know for study, learning, or practice Ren. The primarily use of this is hand and arm strikes also kicking techniques} 

Ren now has determined eyes as he's now more excited then ever in his life until.... a few moments later he's now sitting. He has a pair of chopsticks as so do I as we sat there's a bowl of dumplings with two plates to the side. 

Jin: "Go ahead Ren.. eat."

Ren(confused): "I'm... what? Jin! I though we would do something like sit ups or even a ten mile hike, but this? this isn't like you."

Jin: "I vow to train you Ren, but I never said you can't eat. You are free to eat Ren."

Ren looks around for a moment and shrugged it off and gets a bumping and looks back at me. 

Jin: "Go on. Eat."

Ren was about to eat his dumpling until with quick speed ate his dumpling in a second. 

Ren: "HEY!"

Jin: "I said you are free to eat. Have a dumpling?"

Ren tries to get another one to eat until it was knocked off by me into the air with quick movements I got another one. In a moment later Ren turns his eyes on me and I see that he's no longer the calm Ren I know. 

Jin: "You are FREE to eat."

Ren: "AM I!?"

Jin:"ARE YOU!!??" I said as I spin my chopsticks like a master. 

Ren looks at the move I just did and he couldn't do it so he just clap his chopsticks. 
(Author: Okay! whoever gets this you earn a cookie, but until now let me what just happen without me writing this.)

Jin the Devil of RemnantOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz