chapter 41

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Paul's pov:

I was on my way to school alone, again. It was Tuesday and I still hadn't made up with George, John said he needed time, but 6 bloody days! Aint that time? I looked up from the ground and saw john run over to me, his house wasn't on the way to the school so the last couple of days he had come to school early and then walk in the direction of my house, really he was the sweets.

"hey Paul" he said and turned around, so we walked in the same direction.

"hi" I said and looked around to see if anyone looked, there wasn't so I gave him a side hug with one arm.

"the park after school?" he asked.

We had spent all afternoons in the park the last few days and I enjoyed it a lot, "yeah of course"

He chuckled, "exited eh?"

I blushed and hit him gently.

John's pov:

I sat in my class, alone in one of the corners. Stu and Pete sat at tables closer to the teacher desk. I also noticed a new boy he had been here the last two days. He sat pretty close to me, he had brown hair with a light stripe, blue eyes, a leather jacket and pretty short. He also looked older than me and actually a bit frightening. Of course, I hadn't talked to him or even heard him talk, he wasn't talking much.

When finally, the bell rang I quickly got up and grabbed my stuff. I didn't want to waste anytime I could be with Paul. I stormed to the door but bumped into someone, so I dropped all I had in my hands.

"I'm sorry man" a deep voice said I didn't recognize.

I looked up, of course, it was the new boy, "n-no I'm sorry" I said and started to pick up my books.

To be honest I was a bit scared, now Stu and Pete weren't there to "protect" me I was more vulnerable. He started to help me pick up the things and that surprised me he didn't looked like a guy who would do that. When all my stuff was picked up, we both stood up, "here you go" he said and handed me my stuff.

"th-thank you" I said and gave him a quick smile.

He smiled too and put out a hand for me to shake it, "my name is Richard"

I grabbed his hand and said, "I'm john"

"nice to meet you" he said as our hands parted.

"yeah, see you around" I said and walked out through the doorway.

Now I just wanted to find Paul, I looked at my clock shit I had wasted 5 minutes. I walked over to my locker where Paul waited.

"what took you so long?" he asked with a smirk.

I opened my locker and stuffed it with everything I had in my arms, "well I got to talk to this new guy"

"ow have I seen him?"

"I don't know, brown hair, blue eyes and pretty short"

Paul shrugged as I closed the locker. "well he is rather remarkable", I chuckled.

Paul looked puzzled at me, "why?"

"well to be honest he looks quite special"


I nodded and started to walk to the cafeteria, Paul followed, "what do you mean with that?"

I ignored him and walked over to the table me and Paul had sat at the last couple of days. It was place so you could see both the table where George sat and the table where Stu and Pete sat. As always Stu and Pete sat and send me and Paul glares. I just ignored it and so did Paul, I also ignored the glares we sometimes got from George, but Paul didn't. George was still mad at us for being friends and it seemed really to bring Paul down.

I looked over at Georges table but didn't see him, I then looked at Paul and saw he also looked at Georges table but with a much more worried look.

Paul's pov:

Why wasn't George at his table? He was always the first to go to the cafeteria.

"take it easy Macca" I heard John saw in a soothing voice.

I turned my head to face him, "it's just he's never late for lunch"

"well maybe he just bumped into someone like I did"

"yeah you're right" I said and smiled vague.

John grabbed my hand underneath the table and gave me a reassuring squeeze. I looked back around to see if George has arrived, but I was interrupted by John, he let go of my hand and pointed over at a guy, "it's him, that's the lad I bumped into"

I looked at him, he looked frightening to be honest and pretty old as well, older than John. He was talking to someone, but I couldn't see who because of a guy who was blocking my sight.

"what's his name?" I asked looking back at John.

"something with an r I think ow what was it? Richard!... I think"

I looked back at him and as I did the guy blocking my view now walked away to reveal Richard was talking to non-other than George. I let out a gasp that made John ask worried, "what is it Paul?"

"it's that Richard guy, he's talking with George"

"George?" John asked surprised.

"yeah look" I said and nodded in the direction of the two blokes.

"well who would have thought"

"aren't you worried George's in trouble?"

"no, he's just meeting new people"

I could feel the jealousy grow in my stomach but tried to ignore it, "I don't know John Richard looks pretty tough"

John chuckled, "you obviously haven't talked to him"

"of course, I haven't why should I? we don't attend the same classes" I snapped back.

"well we don't attend the same classes either"

I sighted, "I know I'm just worried about George"

"well don't be"

I looked back at where they stood but to my surprise they were gone.

Author's note:

Thank you so much for reading I hope you liked it.

School is starting this Monday, so I don't know how often I'm going to upload but I'll try my best. Also if you liked this chapter then make sure to vote it would mean a lot.

Thank you and stay safe.

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