chapter 6

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Paul's pov:

It was Tuesday, me and George were sitting in the cafeteria, we always spent our breaks there. I had learned that George loved food and not in the normal way he really LOVED food and despite that he was still thin as a stick.

Me and John were still gazing at each other but not as intense as before. I didn't dare it, George seemed to really hate him.

Out of my eye hook I saw John get up from his table. Where were he going? I stopped listening to George. My eyes were following John. He walked out of the doorway.

"s-sorry George I really have to go to the bathroom" I said and got up.

"ow okay I'll wait here then"

I walked thou the door and looked around. I was looking after John, and there he was. He was walking over to our lockers. Then he opened his own locker and took something out of it. It looked like a piece of paper and he wrote something on it. I tried to look closer at it, but he suddenly looked around the hallway. I quickly hided behind a wall. I hope he didn't see me. I waited behind it in some time and John suddenly passed by me. My body stiffened, I tried to act naturally but did poor. John just turned around and blinked at me. I blushed, all the time we had gazed at each other he never blinked at me. But why did I blush he was just guy that blinked at me. It was only queers that blushed over things like that and I were no queer! Then I remembered that John were doing something over at our lockers. What were he doing? My curiosity got me I needed to see what he was doing. I walked over to our lockers and there the note was. It was on my locker and it read: I know you're following me. Shit he knew! How embarrassing. I walked back to the cafeteria and sat beside George.

"that took it's time" George complained.

"sorry I got a bit lost" I said.

George kept on talking to me, but I was looking at John and he looked back, he was laughing. Laughing at me, I felt so stupid and I think he could see it because he immediately stopped and looked at bit worried. I smiled forgivingly at him and he smiled back.

John's pov:

It was Tuesday. I loved Tuesdays we had all the good periods. I was in a good mood and nobody could change that not even Stu and Pete. The only thing that pulled my mood down were Paul. He didn't look at me as often anymore. But nothing to worry about. It's only queers who worry about something like that.

I needed to think, and I couldn't do that here there were too many noises. I stood up and told Stu and Pete I needed to go to the bathroom. They just nodded and I walked over to the doorway. 

In my eye hook I saw Paul get up from his table. Was he planning to follow me? I just kept on walking instead of the bathroom I walked over to the lockers. I knew I hadn't got the balls to ask him why he was following me, so I wrote on a piece of paper. I looked around to see if he was still following me. I saw him quickly run behind a wall. It made me laugh. He was as nerves as I were.

 I put the note on Paul's locker and walked back to the cafeteria. I took the long way back to the cafeteria because then I got longer time to think in. I just walked in my own thoughts when I suddenly saw Paul. He stood with his back at me so he couldn't see me. he was still hiding from me. I didn't know what to do so I just played it cool. When I had passed him looked at him and he were looking back how awkward I just blinked charming and then looked down at the floor. I walked back in the caffeine and sat down. Paul wasn't back yet, so I looked around the cafeteria. 

After some time he walked thou the doorway and over to George. They talked for a bit ad then Paul looked at me. He looked embarrassed I started to laugh. Stu and Pete looked at me confused but I didn't care. Then I looked at Paul again he looked hurt I immediately stopped then he smiled, and I smiled back.

Authors note:

Again, sorry this chapter is so short. I promise I'll make them longer.

As always please comment if you see any grammatical mistakes.

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