chapter 28

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Paul's pov:

John sat up against a tree with me in his arms. Our fingers were tangled together, and I stroked his hand with my thumb.

"What time is it?" I asked John.

He looked at his wristwatch and said, "about 5 pm"

"ow well that's great" I said and snugged further into John.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I smiled. This continued for another till I looked at Joh's watch and saw the clock.


John looked puzzled at me.

"I have to go home" I said sad.

"It's okay" John said with disappointment in his voice.

We both stood up, john grabbed both of my hands and looked me in the eyes. I looked back s he said, "you know this is illegal right?"

I nodded and said, "yes, and I don't care" and with that I kissed him.

When we pulled away John hugged me, and I hugged bag. When we were done, we held hands till we came to the park gate.

John decided to follow me home as always. We didn't talk much but it didn't matter it were just the company. When we arrived at my house, we looked at him and whispered, "I wish I could kiss you right now"

John chuckled and said, "me too"

I smiled and said, "well then goodnight and see you tomorrow"

"yeah I hope so" John said and turned around.

I walked in through the front door and closed it behind me. I quickly turned to the stairs so I could avoid my dad. He always said I should be home at 5 pm but how could I leave John so early?

I stepped onto the first step when I heard my dad call, "Paul!"

I sighted and walked into the living room where my dad sat with a newspaper. I looked down at the ground as my dad asked, "why are you home so late?"

"I was with a friend didn't Mike tell you"

"he did but you know you should be home at 5"

"the time just got carried away"

My dad sighted and shook his head, "well all right but please try not be on time"

I nodded and asked with a whisper, "maybe I can stay out to I don't know 5.30?"

My dad frowned and said, "okay... but not later"

I smiled and looked at my dad, I couldn't believe I persuaded him. my dad chuckled when he saw how happy I got. I quickly hugged him and said, "thank you, thank you very much"

Then I walked out in the kitchen to get something to eat. I then walked upstairs to my room.

John's pov:

I lay in my bed with eyes open, I couldn't sleep my mind wouldn't stop thinking. Thinking about what happened today at the park. Paul liked me, liked, liked me. I still couldn't believe it. And those kiss they felt much better than any kiss ever before. Kissing Paul felt right nothing like when I kiss with a girl. After what seemed like hours, I finally fell asleep.

I was awoken by the sun shining in my eyes. My covers were on the floor and I was covered in sweat. I looked at my wristwatch, 9.43. 9.43! I quickly grabbed my uniform put it on. Why didn't Mimi wake! I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. If I was lucky, I could get to the school before the first break was over. I ran out the door and to the school.

When I arrived at the school I walked into the cafeteria and saw Paul sit with George. I smiled at him and walked over to Stu and Pete.

"you late?" Stu asked.

"no" I answered with a strait face and sat down.

Pete laughed at my remark I saw Stu shove him and he stopped. I looked at them and then on Paul. My sweet, beautiful Paul. I couldn't believe he was all mine, or I hoped so. Of course, he was I said to my jealous mind.

Paul's pov:

I sat in my classroom, but my thoughts were a whole other place. I was thinking about John, I hadn't seen him this morning and it worried me a bit. I just hoped I could see him in the break. The bell rang and I stood up.

"easy on McCartney" the teacher said.

I sat down and saw George giggle. I shoved his arm and he stopped this made me giggle.

"you can go now" the teacher said and me and George quickly got up and walked to the cafeteria.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, I looked over at the table John always sat at, he wasn't there. I started to get nerves, why wasn't he here? What had happened to him? is he okay?

"hey...Paul you okay there?" George asked.

I looked at him and said, "mhhmm yeah I ehrm just it's nothing I'm just tired"

"okay if you say so" George shrugged.

Normally I would get annoyed by his comment but right now I couldn't care less. The only thing I could concentrate about right now were John. I looked over at Stu and Pete who sat the table where John should be sitting. They seemed to calm about this situation and that helped me. maybe they knew where he was. I considered asking them but quickly changed my mind when I saw John walk in through the cafeteria doorway.

As he walked past me and George, we got eye contact. I could feel a giant grin n my face as John smiled to me and walked over to Stu and Pete. Thank god he was here. I immediately started to get embarrassed by how worried I had been.

Not long after john had arrived the bell rang. Everyone in the cafeteria got up and walked to the hallway including me and George. As I picked up some books, I needed for the next period I was blinded by two perfect chunky hands. I started to giggle as John whispered, "guess who it is"

Author's note:

Thank you so much for reading really it means so much to me.

As I wrote this chapter, I realized Paul is 15 and John is 17. I don't know I just wanted you to know that.

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