" I heard what happened . I was worried . I wanted to call but couldn't ."

"I wouldn't have answered anyway ." said Dave calmly not looking at Chris. "No I didn't think so, I er ."

"Do you want to come up for a coffee ." Dave interrupted him and looked at him for the first time . Realising he wanted to talk to someone ."My head feels like shit ." then he rubbed his hands through his hair and looked at Chris and smiled.

"Yeah ok. " Chris smiled back and they both knew it was goona be alright.

"So how's work ." Dave said once he'd made a coffee for both of them. Looking for something to say . "I'm gay. " Chris blurted out looking straight at Dave .

It wasn't the sort of conversation that Dave was expecting this time of day . Chris continued before he had fathomed an in answer in his banging head ." I've always known ." he was leaning forward hugging his mug with both hands looking at the floor . "Well since I was about 15 ." he needed to talk , it was like a dam that had burst and now there was no stopping it. "I like trans girls as well . " he was looking straight at Dave looking for a response .

Dave sat there transfixed ; his hangover suddenly gone, he was wide awake. Wasn't he ?

His eyes darted from side to side , his brain looking to understand, his mouth frozen unable to speak .

"Say something . Anything ." Chris was looking at him , panicking . Desperate for a response .

Dave's mouth opened but no words would form . "Bbbbuttt !" he stuttered . "All them women ?" his forehead creased in a frown not unable to digest what he'd just heard .

Chris looked up to the ceiling , shaking his head from side to side. "There were no women . I made it all up."

Dave got up and paced around the room . It was all too much . "The other night ?" he turned to face Chris quizzing him .

"I could see you were in pain . I've never seen you like that before ."

Dave closed his eyes ."That poor girl ."

"You blame yourself don't you ?"

There were tears in Dave's eyes ."If only !"

"Don't !" Chris cut in . "You can't blame yourself. You're not the one who cut her throat. " he got up and walked to where Dave was standing. He took Dave's hand and held it tight and looked into Dave's eyes .

Dave wanted to look away but he couldn't instead he leaned forward and he kissed Chris gently on the lips . A fear rose in him that Chris would pull back but he didn't , his hand slipped around Dave's waste and kissed him back .

"I love you Katie ." he whispered . "I've always loved you. "

He nibbled Dave's neck . Dave stood back his eyes open . Confusion arose in him . "I don't understand ! How ? What are you saying ?

Chris took his other hand and stood in front of him . "Ever since you told me and showed me the photos . I think you're amazing ." he said smiling .

Dave's chest was beating so fast . Everything was out of control . What was happening. ?"

"Dress up for me please . " Chris asked gazing into Katie's eyes .

Dave nodded gently a few times , unsure of what was happening but it felt right .

"I'll make myself another cup of coffee if that's ok ."

"Sure help yourself. There's some biscuits if you like in the cupboard . " he couldn't believe he was talking about biscuits and that he was dressing up for a man . And not just any man but his best friend .

Corbeau (The Crossdressing Detective)Where stories live. Discover now