Chap. 3

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"Let me get this straight," I stared at the 3D picture Tony had made of the daughter of actor, Tristan McLean, "you want us to find this teenager, bring her here, lock her up, and question her?"

"Not that brutal, but basically," Tony nodded.

"She's a kid. You don't even have proof that she manipulated you," Steve said, and I agreed.

"It's a little impulsive if you ask me," Clint chimed in.

"We're the Avengers. Impulsive is bio," Tony challenged.

"While you have a point, I still don't agree," Bruce said.

"I just don't want anymore world altering things happening. You all have to agree," Tony told us.

"True," I shrugged, "Okay, so we get her. How?"

"Agent, you're talking to Tony Stark. I've got this. I've met her father before. He once told me she goes to a summer camp here in the city. On Long Island. The funny thing is, I've never seen a summer camp there."

"Long Island? Isn't there a strawberry farm there?" Steve asked, "Maybe it's an agricultural learning summer camp."

"You did not just suggest that," Tony rolled his eyes.

"Old man," I chuckle, "As weird as it is, we should still check it out."

"Suit up. We head out in twenty," Tony instructed.


Turns out, we didn't have to check out Long Island. We found the girl, Piper as Tony called her, with a few other teenagers walking past the Empire State Building.

"I can't believe we're chasing a teenager," I said, walking in step with Clint.

Tony said he wanted us under cover to track them, so I wore stretchy jeans and a military styled jacket; sunglasses covered my eyes. On my hip though, I had to guns hidden and I had dual batons folded up my sleeves, ready to be pulled out.

"It's kind of ridiculous," Clint nodded, "I just can't wait to see his face when he learns she's a normal kid."

"Piper is surrounded by a bunch of other teens. She is the main target, but any other suspicious activity from the others, take into account," Tony's voice buzzed through our ear pieces, "On my mark, move in. And Bruce, have the lab ready."

Since we didn't need a code green and, no offence to him in any way, he's kind of useless on the field without the other guy, so he stayed at the tower getting ready for us to bring the girl in.

"Nat, Clint, move in slow. Act natural, don't draw attention," Tony instructed us.

"Seriously Tony? You think we need advice about stalking people?" I chuckled.

"I know, I know, but they seem different."

"So you've said," I sighed as my long time best friend and I settle in behind them.

I saw them tense a bit a few times when we got too close. I pulled Clint into the cafe a few minutes after the teenagers went in.

They had different drinks in their hands. One of the boys caught my attention. It was bright blue and all I could think about was the sugar going into his body from it.

Also, they were all very muscular people, except for one scrawny Latino kid who was fiddling with some tiny metal scraps.

"What can I get you?" The waiter at the ordering table asked.

"Black coffee," I told her, only half paying attention. Clint and I go sit down at a table booth a few tables from the kids and listen in to the bug I had slyly stuck on the table when we walked passed.

"You're such a dork, Leo," I hear a girl snort.

"You know it," A boy replied, "That's why you keep me around. You need at least one hot, idiot in your life, Hazel."

"Please, I only keep you around because of your great-grandfather," The girl shot back.

"That hurts, O Ancient One."

I raise my eyebrow at Clint in a way of saying, 'Teenagers.'

They talk with nothing suspicious for a while longer, and I see Steve and Sam walk by the cafe a few times, waiting for the teenagers to leave, so they can continue to follow them.

"We should start back to camp," Another boy says. My ears perk up at that. They leave the cafe, our other teammates trailing behind.

"Let's go," I said. Clint and I leave the cafe a few minutes later, just as Steve chimed in on our ear pieces.

"They're headed to Long Island Sound in a old blue car. Ugh, disobeying traffic laws much. The doubled up seats."

"Steve, how close are you watching them?" Clint joked next to me.

"Oh gosh, they just drove the car into the woods," Steve said.

"Come again?" I asked.

"I cannot see them anymore. What is going on?" Sam said, "I'm overhead the strawberry fields, and that's all I see. Fields and a few houses."

"But no entrance in?" Clint asked.

"Want me to join you all?" Tony suggested from his spot near the Empire State building.

"Come in," Steve answered, "All of you. We may need help tracking them."

"On it," I hopped onto my motorcycle and made my way through traffic at a high speed. Soon I reached Long Island Sound, Clint trailing behind me.

"Make your way around the island. Scope everything out. Same for you and Tony, Sam. Keep your air watch," Steve told us when we met up with him. We nod and take off in separate directions.

This had better not be a waste of my time, I think.

That's when I hear Tony's gasp and little whimper over the ear piece.

"Tony, what is it?" I asked.

"Can you not see it or something?" He muttered.

"What Tony!" I said, tired of this mystery man.

"Dragon," Is his only response, and I kind of want to laugh.


So we were obviously being followed. Thalia had made that clear. we tried to steer whoever it was off our tracks. Then we saw the man in iron and a man with metal wings flying over camp.

Meh, after everything we've been through, I really couldn't have cared less.

Hi everyone! At the end of that chapter, I really just had the urge to make a non caring, totally done Percy. And I did! I was also kind of tempted to just make it like, We were being followed. Oh well, what else is new. Just that. Nothing else. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and have a lovely day!😜

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