Chapter 25

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"Hey kid, we could use your help. What do you say?" I talked over the phone with Percy Jackson. He wasn't supposed to have a phone on him right now, but I didn't think a short phone call would do him too much harm. 

"I mean sure. What is it?" I could literally see Percy's shrug through the phone. 

"That's the thing; we don't know," I admitted, "We were hoping your girlfriend might be smart enough to know." 

"Well, I don't call her Wise Girl without a reason. I'm sure she could help," Percy said. 

"Great. Thanks, kid."


Mortals. Always needing our help, they do. 


"So what are you telling me you saw?" I asked Mr. Stark again. He wasn't being very descriptive. So far all he'd given me to work with was a wrinkly, ugly woman; hoop earrings; a giant purse; and a big ugly animal with a leash. 

Okay so maybe I could figure it out.

Although I wasn't sure I trusted Percy fighting the monster without a national monument being destroyed. 

Mr. Stark tried a little harder to give me information and I now knew where we were headed. Now, the fun game planning begins. 

"I mean the monster is already downtown. Why don't we just go there and kill it now," Percy whined. 

"Because, with all of us here, there is a quick, easy way to kill it without much destruction," I explained again,  "Mr. Rogers, Jason, and Frank, you surround the area and keep mortals out. Hazel, you join them to keep the mist up well. Piper, you know, standard procedure. Be ready to charm a few mortals and monsters. Percy, Natasha, Mr. Stark, Leo, and I will go take care of the monster. Got it?" 

They all nodded. 

"Good. Then we head out in three minutes," Mr. Rogers said. 

"Three minutes? Three minutes and that chimera has already done some real damage," Percy whispered under his breath while we waited impatiently. Our ADHD was kicking in big time as we prepared to fight. I fiddled with my dagger and Percy tapped his foot. 

"I'm not actually sure it's the chimera and Echidna. It's merely a guess," I said. 

"Well, you're usually pretty kick ass at guessing," Percy smirked. 

"You're such a dork," I rolled my eyes, biting back a smile. 

"Let's head out," Mr. Stark called. He launched into the air, using his suit to fly him to the spot in Central Park where the monster was located. 


The Avengers didn't want me here; it was obvious. They kept glancing nervously at me and every time I could possibly be in danger, they stepped in. 

Like chill, I've lived this long as a demigod. I'll be fine. Just because I did actually die for a minute there, doesn't mean you have to watch me so closely. 

The nice thing was that Annabeth changed nothing from our usual plan for me. She knows what it's like to be babied because a minor inconvenience got in the way and she wasn't gonna force me to play it safe. 

And that's really good, because if she had tried, my voice would definitely have been heard. 


I am still not used to this whole idea of fighting monsters. After living through this much, I shouldn't be surprised, but working with demigods this closely for this long has started driving me crazy. 

I thought Thor was weird. 

These kids are another level. 

He might be a god, but two or three of them combined would trump him in power any day.

It's too weird. Just give me something normal to shoot. Not this poodle and ugly ass woman. 


I'm ready for a fight.


My plan will most likely always work. 


We're strong enough. 


My voice could do this in seconds. Any day. 


I think the best thing to do is light 'em up. 


All of us are strong


We're all powerful. 


Powerful in so many different ways. 


And that's what makes us a great team. 


Demigods and mortals. It could work I guess. 


I could never work with these mortals full time. 


I would never make these kids work full time with us. No, not a full time group, but having them here as a hand to strengthen the winning hold? Now that I couldn't pass up. 

A/N So here we are at the end. I'm so sad, but also very happy. Thank you for all the amazing comments I've gotten while writing this. It's given me an ambition and determination to finish. I hope it was a good ending and that you enjoyed it. Thank you again so much for reading.❤

If you liked this, maybe you could check out some of my other works? I have another Percy Jackson one(again cliche mortals and demigods, but it's a party over there.) 

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