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Uh hi me again, my friends are over and complaining how they have no blanket hahaha. before they were taking about losing weight and working out... that subject made me really depressed. they just started to sing " I have bipolar disorder , my shits not in order I'm over weight " and something about a dysfunctional family then they apologized because like they said it is a song about my life. I'm overweight and shit like that. I hate it. I hate it. when they talk about everything that they do to get fit all I wanted to do is break down. I try to get fit but there is no motivation and no help for me. no one at home helps or believes in me enough to help me. I know my friends will help me but that won't help.my boyfriend and my friends say I'm perfect and beautiful but I'm trying to listen to them and believe them. but all the time now I have been feeling so fucking bad. how can people love me when I am so unstable and ugly and fat?!!!

Every time Patrick or my friends touch my arms,legs or my stomach I cringe inside and all I want to do is to move away. I can't believe them. I dont want to tell Patrick or my best friends how I feel because there is always something wrong with me and I don't want them to worry.

Hayley I know you will be reading this and I want to tell you:
I love you so much but please all I want is for you to stop reading this. my one wish for you to stop reading this, I don't want you to read it.
I'm sorry
I love you best friend.

Xx LoveJustHappens xX

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