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Sorry I just need to get my feelings out , I'm crying as I write this so sorry if I mess it up.

I accidentally dropped my phone and smashed it. Mum said that I can't get it fixed until I drop it again , I said if I drop it again my phone will be dead ad she said be careful with it then. The first time it dropped it was my sisters and my fault but they blamed it on me. I have been so good but this small thing stands out to them , out of all the good this one bad thing. I can't help it if I trip. And now she won't pay for it! I wish she would just listen to me! I get so frustrated some times, I wish she would listen to me! It hurts so much I can't handle much more of it. My mum just won't listen to me, she never listens! She's the reason the whole family has to walk on egg shells ! It's always all about her! I hate it!

But it's okay, I'm okay. I'll get over it. you know why? I'm used to it.

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