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I have amazing friends who are always there and I have Patrick <3 I love him , he is so handsome, hot, sexy, beautiful ? I don't know how to explain his looks because personally it feels weird calling a guy that but I'm working on it. he's always cheering me up and I do not deserve someone as charming, lovely and perfect as him. I'm so lucky to him him.

Then there's Chelsea, my husband haha she is my Best-friend and honestly I don't know if I would be sane without her, she has went through my family stuff with me and always been by my side helping me. Chelsea is so beautiful and I love her <3

Nathaniel wow haha Nathaniel is such an amazing person, seriously he would forget this own troubles to make you feel better, he would do anything , say anything to make you happy. he's a weird guy but he's amazing :)

Emma bemmer, she's shy first but when you first meet her gosh she's a crack up. she would say the most scariest things and be dead serious about it. but she's loyal and beautiful and amazing. <3

Xander panda I knew before Chelsea, emma and nathan. he was nice and funny . then I met Chelsea and I found how cute they are together :))))

Hayley omg beautiful Hayley, when I first went into our class I was so scared because I didn't know anyone but then I met you and I was stuck with you ( I think I can't remember that far back) I left you alone for awhile because I forgot who my true friends were. you are always there for me and my random talks with your friends haha those times but you are beautiful and nothing can ever change that, just hurry up and get fat and ugly so I can actually love myself haha jokes I love you <3

As well as Jamie bear/Mr Swagmeister he is my best guy friend is always here for me as well, he is always coming up with the most randomist things but yolo. He's always reading my stuff and giving his opinion. :))

My sister Kayla is like a stand in parent, she has taken care of me in the past year then my own parents have. I know that sounds bad but it's true but I'm fine with it. she helps me out with everything and. She might be annoying but I'm probably three times as more annoying to her. We are stronger together and even though shits going down at the moment. we will be fine <3

I hope I didn't forget anyone. but I love you everyone and thank you for always being here for me <3

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