A show to End them All!

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A/N: Smut at the end!
A month passes by, after five more weeks and some much needed therapy Tweek was well enough to go back to his job. He and the giant signed papers and moved Tweek's belonging into the Tucker residence. Craig didn't really approve of his boyfriend still working at the strip club, so they had talked about it one night.

"Tweek, honey, love, baby, sunshine?"

"Y-yes handsome?" Tweek raises a brow at the kiss up of pet names.

"Are you planning on being a stripper for the rest of your life?" He asks, intertwining their fingers."You know you don't have to anymore" he adds. Tweek giggles softly with a blush.

"W-well, I'm not going to forever. Why are you a-asking?"

"Just curious" he sighs. "Anyways I have to get ready for work" he gets out of bed even if it's well past midnight. Tweek stops him by the hand.

"C-Craig, if something about my job is bothering you, just say it, talk to me, I won't be mad."

"I want you to quit, I don't like people with their hands on you, or you giving some to other people" he sighs out. Tweek kisses his knuckle, not at all upset.

" If that's what you need, I'll quit this friday."

"Really?" he smiles, kissing him happily.

"B-but, there is a catch, you have to be there on my last day. It'll be me saying goodbye to that job, so I need my favorite client there for my very last show as a stripper, does that sound fair?~"

"Sounds great" he smiles as he starts to get changed.

"O-okay then, today was Monday so that should give me four days to say goodbye. I'll still work at the library though, so you can't convince me to give that up. I'll be nineteen next year and be able to finally be paid for my work, p-plus, I don't think I could bear saying goodby to mrs. Loveton."

"As long as you aren't dancing on strangers anymore, it's fine with me."

"Don't w-worry big guy, the only 'stranger' I'll ever enjoy dancing on is you!~" he states in a sultry voice." The only real thing I'll miss is dressing up, performing, and talking to the girls..even if they won't stop asking me if you're good i-in bed" he giggles.

"You'll find out soon enough" he gets his shirt off and buttons his other one, humming.

"W-well, you've blown me away before, I have no doubt my first time is in the right hands~" he teases before laying back down. He's tired from his shift just hours ago.

" Y-you'll be back soon, right Craig?"

"As soon as I can yes" he kisses his cheek as he changes his pants.

"A-alright, tell you workers I say hi-" he pauses to capture the giant's lips in a sweet kiss. He yawns after he pulls away." Stay safe and return home soon, I love you!" the petite male says sleepily, curling under the covers.

"Listen, if anything happens, Burman knows how to defend himself and this-" he hands him a switch-blade. "Just in case okay?" He caresses his cheek. Tweek smiles and lays the blade on the nightstand.

"O-okay, thank you, please c-call me when you're coming back, I'll just be here watching T.V. E-even if I doze off, I'm a pretty light sleeper when you're not around so I'll be sure to pick up the phone. I need to know you're safe as well."

"Alright baby" he smiles and kisses his head.

He grabs his keys and leaves.

Peanut meows, looking for Craig but only finds Tweek. 'Mrow?' The blonde laughs softly and pats a spot next to him.

Night Life [Craig x Tweek]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz