Dressing Room

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Tweek exits his bosses office, relieved that he can keep his money earned tonight. He was reminded it was 'Lolita Night.'Tweek sighs out, hurrying to his dressing room.

All the other dancers are there and ready, one is missing, but Tweek knows she's probably out on stage. The blonde goes over to the hangers and picks out a frilly short skirt and a bright blue blouse. He sets them down and folds up his reading glasses, setting them by his vanity mirror with his cloak.

"Brought a cutie with you tonight didn't ya?" Another dancer named 'Roxie' remarks, putting on false eyelashes. 'Mocha' squeaks, looking behind him.

"H-he offered me a ride h-here!W-what's wrong with that?" The blonde asks, pulling on a garter belt to hold baby blue stockings in place.

"What's wrong is he's hot!" 'Dolly' replies, fixing up her hair in pigtails.

"I-I d-don't follow?" Tweek slides up his skirt next, fluffing it a bit at the ends. The skirt rides up mid thigh.

"Honey, rich is one thing, but hot as well? He looks so young too, are you sure you didn't offer him any favors?" 'Minx' adds.

"W-why would you assume that? C-can't a guy just be nice?" Tweek whimpers, putting the flowy blouse on. Then he wraps a sky blue ribbon around his waist, tying it into a bow at the back.

"Well, the guys in the city don't act nice for the sake of it, they always want something more from us, you know?" 'Dolly' responds, applying her cherry-red lipstick.'Mocha' sighs, looking in his own makeup bag. He pulls out a soft pink lip-gloss, his blush palate, eyeshadow, and lastly his go-to mascara. His nails are already painted a dark green so he leaves them be.

"M-maybe he's different? He a-asked me out to dinner?" Tweek looks to all the girls hopefully, but all their looks say is 'poor naive thing'.

"It's not a crime to dream?" 'Roxie' offers. Tweek nods, understanding why they have their doubts. To be honest, he doesn't fully trust the man yet, but he's willing to give it a shot. The giant seems trustworthy somehow in Tweeks eyes, and he can't deny the man is the most attractive male he's ever met..

"Well if you don't plan on dancing on him I sure as hell do!"

"He denied any females though."

"Crap..." 'Dolly' sighs, fixing her bra. "Well maybe I can try to convince him~" she winks.

"Good luck with that" 'Minx' rolls Her eyes.
"Anyways, 'Mocha', spill the tea, how did you two meet, is he good in bed? Are you guys dating? What does he do for a living?" 'Roxie' asks several questions at a time.The blonde takes a few moments to process them as he does his make up so he won't have to face her.

"W-well, funny thing is, we saw each other here, he was going to tell me his profession, but I stopped him before he could get it out. W-we only started really talking at my work. I don't know how he found it, but he did. Then he left and we bumped into each other at lunch. Next thing I know, I'm seeing red when I see he's with a girl, turns out they were just there for business. Anyways, long story short, I took him to a bathroom stall to chat and he sorta asked to take me out from there! I was almost late so he offered to drive me. I d-don't know how he is in the bedroom, but he's really intimidating and can be sweet. He's a really big guy so I have a feeling he's..you know..the same 'down there'..but I don't know anything more yet!"

"Mmmm you should find out~" 'Dolly' teases.

"What are you ladies talking about?" 'Candy' enters, sweat dripping down her face.

"Our little 'Mocha' has a fine suitor with him tonight.~"

"Oh? Is it the hottie by the bar?"

"M-maybe..is he tall with striking blue eyes?.."

"I'd say so from the looks of it! Dang 'Mocha', how'd you find such a guy? Does he have a cute twin hopefully?"

"A-actually, he found me, a-after he saw my show, he just kinda showed up to the library I help out at."

"How's he so rich? He's really handsome, is he a model?"

"I-I'm not sure where he works yet, b-but his dad's Thomas Tucker, so that might be partly it?"

"Going after a Mafia leader's son, huh? Be careful 'Mocha', you're playing with fire here!~"

"F-fire? What, like he's dangerous?"The blonde asks, adding a dark blue bow to his hair as a final touch.

"Might be, like father, like son, but maybe you could be his exception! Has he done anything sweet for you?"

"Uh..he helped me up after I fell, asked me to dinner.."

'Help my hand in the elevator..'

"Aww! He sounds really sweet! I hope things go well!" Tweek smiles, hopeful for the same thing as well.

"I'm on ladies, wish me luck!" 'Dolly' strides out, her blonde hair swaying behind her. Tweek is tempted to bite his nails out of nervousness but stops himself. He started painting his nails just so he wouldn't get in the habit again! He takes a few deep breaths, his turn's just around the corner and he really hopes everything goes well. Partly due to gaining his earnings back.Carman did take away a bit more than he owed after all. But, also since he has a certain tall blue eyed man to impress.

A few minutes pass and 'Dolly' comes back. Tweek takes that as his que and strides up in the heels he's glad to be able walk in now without falling on his face. He hears his boss warm up the crowd and waits for his signal

'Alright Mocha, show time!'

"-I give you, 'Mocha'!" His boss backs away and the blonde's heels echo as he walks over to the stage once the lights turn low. Then he gets into position, aiming for a more 'cute' look, he pouts his bottom lip out and brightens his eyes, kneeling on the floor as he waits for the lighting and music to come on.

Night Life [Craig x Tweek]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu