In his Office

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Craig enters the club and the loud music isn't helping his migraine in the slightest. He strides to the bar seeing Kenny once again. "Have an appointment with Cartman?" He asks, boredom dripping from his words.

"How do you know tha-"

"You think this is the first time he's pissed someone off?" He waits impatiently staring at the dirty blonde. "Are you going to take me to him or do I have to show you why the Tucker name is feared?" He asks rudely.

"Look, no offense, but I'm not scared of you.I don't want trouble, but I'm bored to death, tell me some good news and I'll tell you, deal?"

"I don't enjoy playing games, tell me where he is."

"Did you and Mocha hit things off nicely?"The blonde smiles, his dark blue orbs lighting up as he leans his head on one of his hands.

"No, where is he?" Craig asks more sternly.

"Dang, and I was sure you guys would, seemed like you both had a connection~"

"Do you want a death wish!?"Craig snaps, gripping Kenny by the collar of his shirt.The blonde just smiles.

"You don't even know what it's like to die over and over again."

"What the hell does that mean?!"

"Means I've seen things you haven't, things that would put any man into insanity, so don't test me Tucker.Your family name does nothing to scare me and never will." The blonde speaks darkly with a smile plastered on his face. Craig sighs, loosening his grip.

"Fine, we're going out for dinner tomorrow.."The giant scratches his neck, feeling rather uncomfortable with this man.

"Wonderful! I hope you have fun!!Tweek's favorite flowers are white lilacs! Eric's office is to your right, make a left and you'll be there!"Kenny pulls out some keys and hands them to the taller man."Here you go! Return them to me once you're done, he likes his door to be locked so you'll need those to get in!"

"Thanks..."Craig cautiously takes the keys and makes walks off to the office. He trusts very few people, but Kenny scares him a bit, and that in itself is new to him.

'White lilacs, huh?'He stores that bit of information in the back of his head. He's choosing to believe the dirty blondes words since he's friends with Tweek, ignoring the fact that Kenny McCormick has a few screws loose.'He can't be all bad if so many people can trust him, right?'

Once he arrives at his destination, he unlocks the door and goes inside.There in his chair sits Eric Cartman, cigar in mouth as he sits in his chair.Seems he pulled himself together in all that time Craig was talking, but the giant knows how to knock him down a few pegs if he needs.

"Ah, Craig Tucker, what a pleasant surprise! Take a seat!"The club owner motions to the seat across from him."You said you needed to talk?"Craig closes the door behind him and sits in the chair, adjusting it to better suit his size.

"Yes, I did.I wanted to speak with you about 'Mocha', and the way you've been treating him."

"I treat all my employees with the same respect-"

"And if they're late?"

"What did the spaz tell you?He's no stranger to drugs you know-"

"I'm not here for excuses, what makes you think it's alright to punish then for a petty thing such as being late by giving them off to scum?"

"Pfft, shoulda known.He's a paranoid little shit, exaggerates everything! Little fucker even complained that one of the guys almost killed him, said he was strangled by a belt.But I didn't see any marks, so I think he was just imagining it. Regardless, I made him the show stopper so he could pick and it's on him.He even has a later time than most of the others, he should be here on time no problem."

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