Welcome to the City

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A/N:Warning: Abusive past relationship!

"You seem cold." comes a dark voice.

"I-I'm alright.." the blonde replies, shivering on the sidewalk.

"Have you ever been to the city?" the man asks, brown eyes looking like they glow red as he takes a hit of his cigar. A fifteen year old Tweek raises his brow, small cat in his lap.

"W-well, this is a city, I've b-been living here for a year!" the green eyed blonde points out, his companion just chuckles.

"Living on a sidewalk for a year?"

"W-well, no, I had an apartment, b-but they just kicked me out for finding out I had a pet." Bean sleeps on Tweeks lap, unaware of the other man.

"Well, that sucks, it gets pretty cold at night. I can't believe they'd kick such a sweet thing such as yourself out! How old are you?"

"M-my mom told me never to talk to strangers.."

"Oh? Is your mom with you now?"

"N-no, but I don't know you."

"Tell me yours I'll tell you mine?" he offers with a goofy grin. Tweek feels more at ease and giggles.

"I-I'm Tweek Tweak, first name has two 'e's and last name 'e' 'a'. I know it's confusing, b-but my parents never really made sense to me so.."

"What a lovely name for such a beautiful face! My name's ###### #####."

"Oh? Well mister ###### #####, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were flirting with me?~"

"Me, I'd be a fool to think you'd even want to be my friend-" he's stops as it rains. Bean screeches and the green eyed beauty shivers further."-Oh, would you look at that? You're getting soaked, here, let me help." he takes out a golden necklace."- Wear this, it'll keep you warm." 

"How is a n-necklace going to keep me warm?"

"Just trust me." Tweek rolls his eyes but does as told.

"W-what the-" Tweek gasps, feeling his body get warm as if in front of a cozy fire rather than being hit with icy rain."-H-how, I d-don't understand-"

"Being the son of an all powerful entity has its perks. It won't last long though, if you follow me, I'll show you my home." he holds out his hand for the blonde to take.

"H-how can I ever repay you?"

"I'll tell you one day, don't worry about it for now."

"O-okay!" he takes the man's hand, following him to a house two blocks away.


"Move in with me."

"W-what?"Tweek asks as he shares breakfast with his hosts. The man chuckles.

"Move in with me Tweek, I like your company and it's already been two months."

"I-I'm not sure, y-you've been really kind, b-but I-" ###### gets up, walking swiftly to the little blonde before kissing him.

" I love you, move in with me?"

"I-I'll t-think about it.." Tweek blushes. 

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