Waking up in a Small Apartment

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A loud and persistent beeping noise wakes Craig up. It's coming from the right side so out of habit he reaches over slightly, thinking his alarm sounds a lot different than normal.

'Maybe my house lady changed the settings on it again..'He grumbles not wanting to move away from the small warmth wrapping its arms around him. Said small warmth makes a small sound, repositions their head on his- 

'Wait a second..' the giant abruptly opens his eyes, finding a certain soft skinned beauty sleeping soundly on his chest. A cat comes into the room they're in, grooming herself as she stares up at them with her curious eyes. He sneezes but covers his mouth so he doesn't wake Tweek.

'So I'm not in my home..' Craig concludes to himself. He slowly tries to remove himself from the blonde without disturbing him but hesitates every time the dancer mumbles and shifts positions in his sleep, each one bringing them even closer. As much as he admires the sleeping beauty and how adorable the blonde's actions are, they aren't helping his case of morning wood in the slightest, especially with how often a small hand or leg ends up landing there. 

'Well fuck it, guess I'm getting him up too.' The giant gently nudges the blonde's shoulder. The smaller male mewls sleepily, turning around where his backs against Craig's chest.

The taller one sighs but slowly slips out of the bed and fixes his attire in the bathroom.He takes his watch off, leaving it on the counter as he washes his face. By now his problem is gone, which he's very thankful for, after all, if sleeping in the same bed isn't crossing the line, he's sure getting a hard on after sleeping in the same bed might be. He doesn't want to make the dancer feel uncomfortable.

When he's finished and looks more decent, he walks out and turns the light off. He sees that the green eyed beauty is finally up, stretching his pale limbs out as he yawns. The blonde's hair is all over the place, untamed and pointing every which way.

'He looks cute with bed-head..'Craig thinks to himself.

"You're finally up sunshine?" the giant teases, leaning with his hand on the wall as he watches Tweek with slight amusement.

"Gah! Y-you're still here?!"the dancer, caught off guard, pulls his shirt down to try and hide his exposed legs.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"W-well, I k-kinda assumed you'd just leave.." the light haired male admits sheepishly.

"Without telling you bye?" the blonde stares up, speechless.

"W-well yeah actually.." the giant makes his way to the mattress.

"I won't leave without telling you goodbye." Craig gently holds the dancer's chin to meet his gaze.

"O-oh!" is all Tweek says, his pink lips looking more inviting-

'No, I shouldn't..'

"Did you sleep good?" he pulls away, smoothing his hair as he looks away trying not to be tempted. He sneezes again and sniffles. "Ugh" he wipes his eyes with a tissue.

"I s-slept great actually. How was your sleep, did t-the tea help?"

"It was hard to breath so not too great but you snuggled into me was nice." he teases.

"O-oh?I must say, it was nice too..I kept on feeling some large bump, though I was half asleep.."

Craig blushes brightly. "Must've been the cat."

"M-maybe, it was really warm from what I remember."

He coughs "Yep, uh what time do you have to be at work?"

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