A mattress for Two?

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"I-it's a good thing I've walked these streets everyday, otherwise I'd probably have no clue where we're going!" the blonde jokes after the five minutes of silence becomes too awkward.

"How far do you live?" Craig asks pocketing his phone, seemingly a little ticked off.

"Well, I live five blocks from this street we're on, so maybe about just two miles from work? W-why?"

"Just wondering if I need to make small chat, even if it's annoying as hell."

"D-does talking to people upset you that much?" Tweek asks with genuine curiosity, eyes still glued to the road.

"Mostly, they are annoying as hell."

"Do I annoy you?" the blonde's fluttering his eyelashes as he stares at Craig when they are stopped by a red light.

"I'm talking to you aren't I?" Craig sets his hand over Tweek's once more.The dancer flushes and is thankful he has an excuse to look away from the giant once the light turns green.

"You never specified that you don't talk to people who irritate you, t-that could still mean I do annoy you." the blonde points out, rounding another corner.

"If you were annoying to me I wouldn't be wanting to spend more time with you. I have no problem with telling people they are annoying the shit out of me, you, you're cute."

"I-I think you really did have a bit too much to drink, big guy! " the blonde bites his lip. Laughing off the complement even though he's secretly flattered.

"Mm yeah? Maybe, but you look really cute, I only had about seven, ten? I lost track, your little show you put on got me out of my thoughts."

"I-is that so?M-must mean I'm doing my job right then!~" Tweek teases with a chuckle, turning on yet another light.

"Mm..tired-" he yawns.

"W-well don't fall asleep just yet, we literally are one turn away. I d-don't feel like dragging your tall self up all my stairs!" Tweek scolds playfully.

"But my eyes feel heavy-" he complains childishly, leaning on the window. 

"M-my gosh, for being a tall, intimidating and respectful man, you're acting like quite the child right now!" the blonde snickers."If you s-stay awake, I'll tell you my age and you can ask three more questions in the morning about me. I'll answer all of them honestly, deal?"

"But I want sleep-" he yawns but sits up. "Fine, but you better not just be saying that.." he huffs, pouting.Tweek smiles to himself. He wonders if he's the only one to see Craig in such a state. He kinda hopes so, it'd be nice to know that he's seeing sides to the normally stoic man no one else does. 

'No Tweek, stop it! You do not wish that, the man's being a pain right now!' the small male tries to tell himself. He parks the car with a bit of help from his tired companion. 

Once they are both out of the vehicle Craig stumbles a little. The dancer rolls his eyes.

"H-here, let me help you." the blonde slides his arm on Craig's back, steadying the other male. Automatically Craig also holds onto Tweek for more support, but doesn't meet the other's gaze.

'Is he embarrassed?' the dancer wonders to himself. He locks the car up and leads them towards the direction of the stairs. After they finally get to the top Tweek asks Craig to lean on the wall for a second so he can pull out his keys. The other male huffs but complies with the blonde's wishes. 

"C-can you also not look, I hide the house keys for a reason."

"We at your place?" Craig blinks a few times. 

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