"I've seen this before!" Kenny exclaims as he looks over the red-heads shoulder.


"Hell's Alley! Been there loads of times! My deal- erm.. friend likes to meet up there!"

Kyle turns and raises a brow. "Excuse you?"

"Nothing, point is I know where that place is!"

"Who is your dealer?"

"Uh some guy named Thorn?"

Craig grips the desk. "I'm going to fucking kill you!"


"So you've been in cahoots with the asswipe who took Tweek away and you never said anything!?"

"Hey, to be fair, I never knew he and Tweek had history, I just knew the ex was a dick."

"A drug lord, who we've heavily suspected for weeks now, and you didn't think to mention it sooner!?"

Kyle sighs "Craig, someone gave you something you said? Was it only this? Did you see them?"

"No they had a hood on, I couldn't see their face."

"What else did he give you?"

"Just the map and information, I was sent these by Thorn himself though" he slaps the pictures of Tweek on the table.

"Oh god, what a fucking sicko!"

The giant sighs as the memory of Tweek helpless to Damian's touch played over in his mind.

"When can we go?"

"He set a date for me to meet him tonight."


"He just said come alone, bring the money, at this time." 

"He gave no location?"

"A warehouse but the place was torn down…"

Kyle growls and turns red in the face, his fist shaking in fury.

"You are such a fucking idiot!" he basically screams.

Kenny shoves Eric forward, obviously scared of the hot headed male.

"Uh, I'm sorry?" Craig tires but just makes it worse.

"Sorry? Sorry?! You have been getting information on Tweek for how long and didn't think to tell anyone?!"

" Well, no offense, but I don't think you would have been much help. Also, I was sorta shocked and messed up in the head, he had a video call with me and made me watch as he touched Tweek. That's not something a guy can just bring out of the blue."

"No, but there is technology to where I could've found his fucking location! Cartman I swear to god I'm going to kill something!"

Craig gulps and mouths 'help'. The ex detective sighs with a roll of his eyes and gets up.

"Kyle, guy's an idiot, you can't fix stupid. Killing him won't solve anything either, we're just going to have to work with what we've got. Even if Tucker's thinking with his emotions rather than logically. If we've only got till tonight to plan, we need to focus on that, then we'll see if we want to splatter his brains, okay Jew?"

Kyle's eye twitches in fury. He takes a deep breath and turns, hugging his now boyfriend as he starts to calm himself. Cartman hums, hugging the fiery man close.

Craig lets out a breath and sits down. Now he has a new fear it seems. A pissed Kyle. Even as the Jewish man is literally clinging to the chubby man as he sits on his lap.

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