Chapter 9: unresolved diffrences

Start from the beginning

"Um...okay is that it?" I asked.

"I was also wondering if maybe-" He stopped mid sentence as  Serena walked in. What was she doing here?

When she saw us she stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh,, I'm- I just, I'm just going to go get- sorry," To say she was lost for words would be a bit of an understatement, and I couldn't help but smirk a little, I looked up to see Leo smiling down at me. I smiled back at him, suddenly feeling very shy.

Snapping out of it quickly I asked him, "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"Um..its okay, its not important I don't want to cause any trouble between you and -"

I cut him off, "Don't worry about me and Serena, I can talk to whoever I want, whenever I feel like it and the fact that your her-" I didn't really know what to say, as he clearly was not her boyfriend, I couldn't exactly say hook up as that would be rude. "Anyways, I can be friends with who I want and if she doesn't like you then she will just have to deal with it, because I am not going behind her back," I said confidently even though I knew if I started hanging out with Leo I probably wouldn't tell Serena, just to make my life easier.

Serena came down the stairs at that moment and awkwardly walked away, she must have forgotten something at home. She was really shocked that I was talking to Leo, and she was definitely going to ask me about it later, I was not looking forward to this, because I would have to make up a lie, and I knew that soon these lies would most likely come back to haunt me.

Leo looked like he wanted to say something but had thought better of it, "So, I-i'll see you around," He said starting to leave.

"Yeah, see you around," I said. I don't know why but I got this feeling like he was going to ask me out, I shook my head it was probably just my imagination. Why would he want to go out with me?

I decided to continue watching TV.


I checked the time and had noticed that I had been watching TV for the last 3 hours or so, and Serena still wasn't back. I was starting to get worried, it was pitch black outside, anything could have happened to her.

I was just about to go out looking for her, starting a the party. I didn't have time to worry too much, as there was an urgent knock at the door. It kind of creeped me out.

I opened the curtain to the door to check who it was, the porch light was open and I noticed it was Leo, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hi..again," I said opening the door, he looked pretty drunk, his eyes were red and he wasn't walking straight, but he didn't look drunk so that he wouldn't remember the next day.

I wondered what had happened at that party, judging by the state of Leo.

This time instead of inviting him in I asked him if he wanted to sit down, "Do you wanna sit down?" I asked.

"No, it's okay, but Serena is drunk, very drunk," He said not quite making sense, but I knew what he was saying so I grabbed my jacket and told him to stay here, I had to go get Serena, just like old times.

The walk was only about 10 minutes, when I got there I noticed that the house was destroyed, there was broken glass everywhere, a few of the guys were cleaning up throwing red plastic cups into black bin bags. The place was shattered.

I felt a little out of place, okay that's a lie, I felt very out of place, I started to walk to the kitchen and I even checked the back garden, I started making my way around the hose, but I didn't notice Serena, then Connor came up to me, "Serena's upstairs," He said before walking away, he really needed to learn how to communicate with people, I mean a 'hello' would have been nice.

I didn't have time to fight with him so I went upstairs, there were 5 bedrooms and two bathrooms. The doors to both bathrooms were open and so I noticed that Serena wasn't in either of them, I opened the door to one of the bedrooms to find Serena lying on the bed in her bra and pants, and I thought Leo looked bad.

I really wasn't in the mood for this, I had been doing this for years, picking up Serena from parties, but this time she must have been really drunk as she never just sleeps with people.

"C'mon Serena, get up," I said agitated.

She just mumbled quietly and shifted a bit. I didn't know how to wake her so I pushed her slightly harder. "Wake up," I shouted.

This time she woke up, "Just leave me here, I'm sleeping," She said annoyed.

"Get ready, were going back to the beach house," She barley moved. "Now," Is shouted loudly at her.

"How about I get a jug of water and pour it all over you, will you wake up then?" I asked her.

As quick as a flash she got her clothes, but because she was so drunk she kept stumbling over, I grabbed her clothes and told her to change while I waited outside.

When she had done, she stumbled out and staggered down the stairs. I didn't talk to anyone I just led her outside and continued walking. A ten minute walked turned into almost an hour and the sky was still pitch black. Oh how I hope that Serena remembered this in the morning  so that she could tell me exactly what had happened.


When we had finally got back to the beach house, I saw that Leo was sleeping on the couch and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. It took about another twenty minutes to get Serena up the stairs to her bedroom, I made her drink some water from a glass on her bedside table then I took her dress and shoes off and tucked her in. I was exhausted.

I went downstairs to find Leo fast asleep on my couch, and he was murmuring to himself, I went up to him to find that he wasn't completely asleep, he was still awake...just about.

I grabbed a blanket and went up to him, he must be cold as it was a chilly night, I put the blanket over him and kissed his forehead. I smiled to myself, I was about to head upstairs when I heard him, "I love you Ali...please stay with me," I just froze.

Okay, so this wasn't the cliffhanger I had planned :/...Well, guess you'll be getting a cliffhanger next chapter too :)

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