Me: yep.

Sunshine: What do I get for waiting so long?~ ;)

Me: whatever you want.

Sunshine: Oh?...hmmm..Okay, but no longer than that please. Kenny can only keep this joint up and running for so long. -_-

Me: Understandable.

Sunshine: I have to cut this short, I'm up. See you soon big guy~XOXO

Me: see ya.

Craig then pockets his phone and finishes up his cancer stick before crushing it with his foot into the cement and leaving back to do his father's biding. At least now something good will come from this. He walks through the double doors and back into the surveillance room where Token is still sitting.With a sigh the giant pulls his chair open for himself. Unconsciously a sliver of a smile reaches his lips as he thinks about seeing his sunshine after this stupid task can be done with for the day.

"Hey, Craig, you seem happy, did something exciting happen?" asks the brunet to the other side of him. Craig thinks his name might be Clyde, but he doesn't really care. All he needs to know are last names.

"Mind your damn business, don't you have someone else to bug the shit out of?"

"Woah godzilla, I just wanted to make small conversation, it's odd to see you smile, you know?"

"Well, as odd as me smiling is, work needs to be done. Donovan, If you wanna waste time, go to Token."

"Sorry boss man." Clyde sighs out. Craig says nothing.

Once the two hours are finished they are left with nothing. "God damnit!" Craig curses, slamming his fist on his desk, unaware of the torn up tissue as a result. Both the other two males stare at him. Token just sees it as normal at this point, but Donovan's new so he's a bit shaken.

"Uh, if it makes you feel better Craig, I narrowed it down to Thorn possibly being in an alley that starts with 'H'?" Clyde offers fearfully. The giant huffs, restraining himself from yelling at him.

"There are sixty alleys around here that start with the letter 'H' Donovan."

"O-oh..then I got nothing.." Clyde hangs his head low shamefully. Token stares sympathetically at his partner and pats his back.

"Both of you, get out of my face." The giant grumbles, rubbing his temples. They both nod and retreat from the room.

"I thought I did good?" he faintly hears the brunet say.

"Well, we tried, better than nothing right?" comes the low voice of Black.


The giant hears nothing more once the door slams. With anger boiling in his system as well as stress he has to take a deep breath to steady himself. He dials Tweek's number, needing something to calm him down. The phone rings for a while and Craig's just preparing for it to go to voice-mail.

'Son of bitch-' his thoughts are interrupted as shuffling is heard on the other end.

"H-hello?" comes the sweet small voice of the dancer. He clears his throat before speaking.

"Hey, it's me, you done with work?" he tries to keep any irritation out of his voice as he speaks. He thinks he's a little successful since Tweek only giggles.

" Y-yeah, just sitting here at the bar, Kenny's here."

"Is that your boyfriend Tweek?~" he hears McCormick tease.

"S-shut up!" the green eyed beauty shouts, no doubt blushing madly.

"Alright, I'm on the way" he sighs grabbing his keys. "How was your day?"

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