"S-so, handsome, will you tell me where we'll be doing our fine dining now?~" the dancer teases.

"Nope, it's a surprise, you can pick our next location for a date." He backs out of the garage before closing it with a push of a button.

"A-are you sure you want that?I already told you I've only ever been limited to two places for eating right?" the blonde jokes.

"Well, look up some after this and we'll check it out, you already know nothing's out of my price range, right?" he laughs softly as he gets onto the road.

"H-how rich are you anyways?"

"You've seen my house and cars, I thought you would have an idea?" he chuckles softly.

"W-well yeah, but even celebrities don't seem to have as much wealth, next thing you'll tell me you own your own cabin!" Tweek giggles at his sarcastic example.

"No, I don't own a cabin-" he pauses as he turns a corner."I own six." he states. The blonde's mouth is agape.

"H-how, d-do you even use any of them?!"

"Well, of course I do, normally in the summer or winter when I get a break, I can take you there maybe sometime if you're up for it?" he glances at him. "Before you ask yes, I earned it all myself, I took nothing from my father. I used to live in an apartment that I rented from him then I got money, and well, four years later here I am."

"T-that's amazing, h-how!? I barely make an earning to keep me and Bean fed, with a roof over our heads no less!"

'To be fair, unlike me he's probably not in debt for past drug use...'

"That my dear, was no easy task, see, I work two jobs, one is more of a side thing, the other is my job."

"W-wow! I believe you on that, holy smokes, it should be illegal to be charming, handsome, funny, hard working, sweet, and rich!" Tweek states in amazement, counting off each trait on his fingers.

"Yeah? You think so?" he blushes lightly. "If you need, I can provide Bean with food and anything else she may need, I don't mind it. would be less stressful if you only had to worry about your food?" he offers.

"T-that would be great, b-but you've done so much for me, I couldn't just let you do that for me without payment, i-it wouldn't feel right."

"Smile" he murmurs softly.

"W-why?" Tweek asks in confusion.

"Just do it" he whispers as he stops at a stop light. Tweek rolls his eyes playfully but gives his best smile. It's becoming easier to do so in front of this man anyways.

"Payment enough. Just give me a smile everytime and it's enough for me sunshine."

"Do y-you realize h-how cheesy you sound right now?"

"Nope but I honestly don't give a shit, so is that a yes then?"

"To the cabin or t-the cat offer?"

"Both" Craig shrugs. Tweek blushes brightly.

"Y-you trying to make me fall for you handsome?~"the blonde teases.

"I thought that was obvious at this point considering I like teasing you and we cuddled at your apartment" the dancer covers his face as his body goes hot at the memory.

"I c-can't decide if you're an ass or a gentleman anymore!" Tweek giggles feverishly.

"Well, the old saying is you are what you eat, so I can be both.~"

"Y-you are the worst right now!" the green eyed male snorts.

"I can be even worse, wanna see how?"

"S-should I be scared, is that how bad?"

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