The Real Monsters

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Kai's POV

Lloyd POV
The gun hit me but not hard enough to knock me out.  Flash lights and gun fire filled the cave. For the first time I got a good look at Kai. He was attacking people on all fours. Being hybrid made you 50/50. Haft animal, haft human. Kai was more 90/10, he look more like a wolf and his brain was more beast like. But his muscles and eyes had a human touch to him, he was much bigger than any wolf I had ever seen. Kai clawed, bite, slashed Skylar's troops left and right.  "shoot him down!" someone yelled.

I griped Kai's old jacket, if I did I would disappear. Squeezing my eyes shut. everything went quite. I heard a roar, then claws clicking getting closer. A wet nose rubbed against my face and a purr came from the wolf. Opening my eyes, Kai's snout was in my face. "hurt...?" Kai asked in a growl.

"no just shaken up, " I said patting Kai's head. He pushed his large head into my chest. I press my forehead into him, there was no doubt in my mind that this was Kai.

"The gunfire stopped, it sounds like it came from in here," a voice said. I know that voice. Kai's head moved towards the entrance of the cave. "The scent matches up let go in, us cation" Another voice ordered.

The was Cole. Kai growled push his body in to me. "It's ok its just the others, you know are friends?" I said.

"Fir...ends...?" Kai growled.

"Yes! Cole, Jay, Zane, Nya, Morro! Our friends," I said

"Lloyd! You in there?!" Morro yelled using his fire breath to light the way.

"Yeah in here!"

They all rushed in, then paused looking at Kai. "Get away from beast!" Cole yelled showing his teeth.
Kai growled, I stood up quickly. "No guys he saved me!" I calmed, petting Kai calming him.

"Lloyd come here, that's a wild beast, probably an experiment of Skylar's" Morro calmed beckoning me over. Kai growled in offense.

"No guys, this is Kai, Kai theses are your..." I paused letting Kai finish.


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