Monsters arn't real

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I try to tell them that I thought a monster took Lloyd. But they wouldn't believe me, even after I showed the the claw marks. Lloyd going to get eaten by a monster and no one listening. "It could be Skylar" Morro said pacing around the room.

"Yes, she been after us ever scent we got away.", Cole said siting in his bed.

"It was a monster I heard the growling" I yelled.

"Jay, monster aren't real," Cole said

"Anything possible", Zane said standing by the door.

"Zane, really out of all the people, your believing him, the cub?" Cole said obviously frustrated.

"I agree with Zane anythings possible" Nya said standing next to Zane.

"Will you only agree with him, because he's you boyfriend" Cole said.

"Cold clam down it's not like you can stand up in protest" I said walking in front of him.

"You need to clam down to cub, your not the only on mad that Lloyd was taken", Morro said sitting next to Cole, so I would be facing him.

"I know what I saw!" I said raising my voice.

" who care what took him we need to start looking" Zane said leaving and heading for the supply room. Nya left as well.

"You two make up, I'm going to look around the house for clues." Morro said leaving the room. Cole and I stayed quiet. I then walked over to my bed and pulled my build out from under it. It was Cole's leg and back braces. I brought them over to him. "Your going to need these, I've been working on them and I think they will work." I said hand them to him.

I help them put them on, then I grabbed his hands and pulled him up. "Jay, I'm going to lose my balance," but he didn't.

He took at step then other and other and other. Tears started to come down his face. "Can walk!" He said with joy.

"does this makeup for yelling at you," I said.

"more than you know," he said. We walked out of the room. I held close to him because he wasn't too good at walking. We went to the supply room, shock both, Zane and Nya. Morro came back in and fell this knees. We thought he was shocked that Cole was waking. But then we heard his breathing. He panting, blood then dripped on the floor. He has been stabbed. Cole rushed to his side. Cole put his hands on Morro's cheeks. Zane grabbed a medical kit and told Cole to lay, Morro, down. Morro held Cole's hand as Zane tried to heal the cut. "cole..." Morro muttered.

"yes, what is it?", Cole said putting Morro's hand to his chest.

"monsters... Are real... They..they come...In human skin", Morro said closing his eyes.

"keep him awake",  Zane said stitching up the cut as fast as he could. Cole shook Morro back awake.  "who attacked you?"  Cole asked.

"I found Lloyd but I wasn't the only there. Skylar and her team. A monster that was protecting Lloyd. Lloyd and the monster went down. I went to help, Skylar stabbed me. " Morro said gaining his speech back.

We all were quiet, the monster is real only in human skin.

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