You Thought You Could Get Away?

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We were looking a the baby dragon. She had blue eyes, that stood out because she's red and black. She reached out for Lloyd because he is a dragon. I noticed that her wing was under the rock. "Kai her wing unber the the rock." I said pointing at her wing. "I'm to big to fit in her their and you are too, the only one who can fit unber there is....." Kai trailed off and looked at Lloyd.  He put us down and tried to move the rock,"I can't move it, ...*trys again*.... It's to heavy".  I started to freak out and get ever anxious. My tail started to puff up. "We are not going to be able to get her out in time!" I yelled starting bit my thumb. I saw Lloyd was doing samething. But in times of panic Lloyd  can basically do anything. His wings started flutter as he started to push up on the rock. He was able to push the rock just enough and than Kai grabbed the baby . "Wow Lloyd, I think every time your wings flutter you grow 10x stronger!". Kai said cradling the baby.  Lloyd put the rock down and was breathing heavily. He walked over to Kai, and Kai picked him up. After that a gun was fired. It was close and then I got hit me n the ear.I yelled in pain grabbing my ear. Kai came over to me "Jay are you ok?". I nodded me head yes than showed him my ear. He got a concerned look than howled. Getting the others attention. Cole punched a guy in the face and started making his way to us. He started to climb down in to the cliff. Nya then thought a guy off the cliff and then started to climb down too. Zane flew up and flew too us. Zane lands in front of me and starts looking at me ear. I look around and saw that it was just us in the canon now, they all got out. Cole and Nya come up to me and take a look at me ear to. Nya says "it didn't hit anything important but there will be a hole in you ear". I nodded and walked over to Cole. That when I let the tears fell I been holding them back so I didn't look weak. He hugs me and picks me up letting me cry on his shoulder. Kai walks over and that when the others realized the baby. "Kai who is that?" Zane ask walking up to Kai. "We found her unber a rock, her wing is badly injured" Kai said looking at the little one. Nya want to Kai and took the baby from him. The baby started to cry. I looked at Lloyd in Kai's arms, his wings were fluttering. "Don't hurt her! you pussy cat!" Lloyd yelled in almost a roar. We all fell silent, Lloyd as never gotten  angry like that. "I'm not you oversize lizard I'm looking at her wing!" Nya yelled back, looking at the little dragon's wing. Lloyd got down from Kai and walked over to Nya, making sure she dosen't hurt the baby. I was getting every tired, I looked in the sky it was sunset. I laid my head back on Cole's shoulder, and started to fell asleep but then  I heard another him shot. Then with me still in Cole's arms he fells to the ground. I'm now unber him. I look over his shoulder the best I can and see Morro. "You thought you could get away".

Oh no run guys run!
I hope they get away I don't know what's going to happen!

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